Who was in the April 2023 box?

Playing basket on top of artwork in Hoelbeek (BE), coffee on an Island in Dunajská Streda (SK), meeting old and new friends at the Amsterdam coffee festival from Warsaw (PL) and Bucharest (RO).

Hoelbeek - Belgium

Lindert STeegen

We had the honor of seeing this artist at work right on our doorstep.We were immediately sold on his style.Colourful, playful and geometric.With the help of volunteers, he transforms courts into huge works of art!

Hi Lindert,It was nice to meet you at our local basketball court.And seeing you at work for several days.How did you get into this scene?

It all started with going out to the canal and spraying some graffiti under the bridge. Together with some friends with whom I grew up, just to kill some time actually. From there on word got around in the small village where I grew up and I received some small projects. At that time I was around 15 - 16 I think. I’ve always embraced those opportunities and said yes to all of them even though I didn’t really know what I was doing all the time but you can figure out a lot of things in the moment. Eventually, the small projects grew out to be bigger projects. I’m just going with the flow and seeing what comes on my path. Learning new things with every new project. It’s been a great ride already.

Tell us about your style …How would you define it and who were your main sources of inspiration?

I think my style is still constantly evolving.In my early works, it was strictly geometrical.Now it has grown to be more organic.Mixing the geometric parts with more illustrative elements in it.Using bold patterns, colors and compositions will always be at the base of it.I’ve noticed myself searching for the ideal mix of abstract and figurative while designing.From there on it’s up to the viewer to see the story inside of the work.If I can make the viewer keep on discovering new things each time they look at the work then I know I've achieved my goal.I’m a big fan of color combinations and how a certain color can feel different once you place it beside another color.Therefore this is something I draw inspiration from from other artists.But you can discover these things also just in daily life, like a certain outfit somebody is wearing in the street.One artist who absolutely stole my heart ever since I had the chance to view his work in real life is Frank Stella.He’s the type of artist that keeps evolving and personally, I believe he is not capable of making “bad” work.

Apart from painting basketball courts, what else keeps you busy?

Our slogan is “Transforming places and spaces”. There’s a focus on transforming public spaces and having a positive impact on the neighborhood surrounding them.This can be through basketball courts for example but also through murals, painting big buildings or public squares.With these projects, I can make my work accessible for everybody to enjoy. Besides that, I also create studio work, artworks, and wooden sculptures that we sell through the website or gallery. A third part I’m working on right now are items that are items that are easily accessible for purchase for everybody. It’s a passion project where I'd like to create a range of products that I would want myself. These products can go from clothing items with bold prints on them, to vases and carpets. A bit like “Zara Home”, but in a fun way. “LS Home” haha.

You live in Hoelbeek, right?What is the street art scene like here?

I grew up in Hoelbeek as a child. Here the farmers are definitely in control of all the scenes. Currently, I’m based in Ghent. You can feel that the city is getting more and more appreciative of street art. Instead of going against it, it gets embraced. That’s something in general for most cities in Belgium. Which definitely is a positive. We have a lot of great walls from incredible artists worldwide inside our little country which is very inspiring.Yet there are still a lot of gray buildings that could use some paint.

Do you have a connection with coffee?

I’m one of those people who gets up in the morning to get that fresh cup of coffee. I’ve grown with it and don’t think I could go without it. My grandfather always used to say that if he could only drink one more thing for the rest of his life it would be coffee. The best place to get my cup of coffee is without a doubt at my grandmother's, with a good piece of Limburgse vlaai. 

What’s in store for the future?

Currently, there are some great projects in development. I can’t say much about it yet but if we can pull it off we would be doing something that hasn't been done in Europe before so fingers crossed. Besides that, I'm starting a project in the metro station Rogier, Brussels. This will happen in May.

"Don’t forget to grow. Wear sunscreen."

Dunajská Streda - Slovakia

Rye Island

One of the reasons I love I Know Jerry from Toronto is to keep discovering new roasters.Like this one in this small village in Slovakia.I am curious to hear their story!

Can you briefly tell us about you and your team?

I (David) and Thomas founded Rye Island Roastery just a few days before Christmas in 2019.Despite Thomas' 8+ years of experience in the coffee business and my passion for coffee as a highly motivated coffee lover 😀, neither of us had any prior experience in roasting coffee.We sought guidance from our friend Thomas (from Diamonds Roastery) and started our journey slowly, roasting only two coffees from Brazil and Guatemala.

What does good coffee mean to you?

To us, good coffee is the result of careful craftsmanship,attention to detail and a deep respect for the coffee beans and the people who produce them.

How is the coffee scene in Dunajská Streda?

As a roastery, we're excited to be part of a growing coffee culture in our town.While it's true that the local preference may lean towards darker roasts and commercial brands, we see it as an opportunity to introduce a new perspective on coffee.Our mission is to showcase the incredible diversity of flavors that specialty coffee has to offer and to highlight the hard work of farmers around the world.

When we visit your town, what should we definitely do here?

Apart from enjoying a cup of coffee with us (😎😄) make sure to check out Buena Coffee House and Vespresso, the two hippest spots in town for your caffeine fix and we'll be happy to give you insider tips on other hidden gems to explore!

What coffee are you enjoying drinking yourself at the moment?

Right now we’re enjoying our newest coffees from Burundi, Rwanda and PNG which landed a few weeks ago in our roastery.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to get into coffee roasting?

As a young specialty coffee roastery ourselves, we've learned that being open-minded and willing to constantly learn and improve is key.Remember, coffee roasting is both an art and a science and it is a never-ending quest for perfection.

If you could sit down for a cup of coffee with any one person, alive or deceased, who would it be?

I would probably name a few, but David Bowie would definitely be at the top of my list.

"We're thrilled to have our coffee from El Salvador in Jerry's subscription box all the way in Belgium.We hope it brings you moments of pure delight.Hope to hear from you in the future.Our webshop is almost finished but until then follow us on socials.Much love, David from Rye Island Roastery"

Warsaw - Poland


Once described as the Paris of the East, Warsaw was believed to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world until World War II, which had leftover 85% of its buildings in ruins.It was rebuilt after the war using paintings by Bernardo Bellotto, a Venetian artist.But now, rebuilt.Museums, incredible art and coffee scene.Woods and street art are everywhere.Don't hesitate, if all this doesn't convince you...Hayb Specialty Coffee is located here!For the third time, they are in our box.We can't get enough of them!

How did you get into coffee?Can you give us a bit of background on your career so far?

It all started in 2012 when my father decided to open small coffee roasters next to his house.I was a student back then.Next year I decided to join him and started to roast coffee! I was a love at first sign!Since then we moved to a bigger place and changed our name to HAYB Speciality Coffee.

Jerry loves your quote ‘How Are You Brewing?’Can you tell us where it comes from?

We were thinking about a new name for our roastery and it was my friend who invented the name!We were thinking about something unique and unusual.It comes from „how are you doing?”. „How are you brewing?” was supposed to be our name but then we realized the abbreviation of it sounds great!That's how HAYB name popped up!

What does coffee go through before it reaches you?

We are working with the best European importers like Falcon or Ally, but also with smaller importers that are working only with specific farms from Ruanda or Brasil.We are focusing on the freshest crops available so the coffee is fresh and it doesn’t lay in warehouses for months before roasting.It's a usual way I would say, but we are doing our best to develop relations with farmers so we can import direct from them.

We are always looking for tips on how to make our coffee better at home, any advice?

The most important thing is good quality water and products.If you have those two things- keep it simple with brewing! 6g coffee for 100g water, temperature 96C. Do not change too many parameters.Play with grinding settings and find a perfect spot so coffee is properly extracted!

What may people not know about Hayb?

It's a family business, since the beginning it has me and my father :)

When not enjoying coffee, how do you spend your time?

I love traveling.I’m doing my best to explore the world as often as possible!I love South America.Right before the global pandemic, I visited Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.I can’t wait till it all is over and we will be able to travel freely!My other hobbies are sport, cooking and wine!

When Jerry was visiting Poland, he turned on the Polish TV and noticed that everything was dubbed, not just dubbed but everything seemed to be dubbed by the same person. Is this true?

Haha, yes!We have like two guys who are dubbing everything.Fortunately, all movies in cinemas are with subtitles :)

"How are you brewing?"

Bucharest - Romania


Never thought I would see so many familiar faces at a coffee fair in Amsterdam.But apart from old acquaintances and way too much coffee, we also met some new interesting people here.The Romanian Coffee Roasting Champion of 2019 and MABO Coffee founder.

When did you learn about specialty coffee? 

It was the autumn of 2014, one day in November I went out with a friend, and he proposed to visit the best coffee place in Bucharest. I said okay. I was not a coffee drinker, I survived University with black tea and green tea. I tasted coffee, all the people around were drinking coffee, but I found it too bitter and not delightful for my taste.Though, I do think that when you visit a place that is famous for something, you have to try that something. So I order a coffee with milk. I received a red cup, with a beautiful heart, and I just tasted it. It was sweet and pleasant and I was shocked. something that I knew that was too bitter turned out to be so pleasant. I wanted to know why. And my exact thought was that only working there I would be able to find the secrets behind it.

Hello.Nice to have met you in real life at the Amsterdam Coffee Festival.Was it a success for you guys?

Yes, we met a lot of coffee lovers in Amsterdam, eager to talk and discover amazing coffees.

How did you get into roasting?

I was a home roaster because I like coffee so much and I thought I could make coffee better myself, completely wrong.Then I started doing training, changing roaster and eventually started roasting for a small roastery in Bucharest.

What are the ideal flavor characteristics you look for in your ideal cup?

Usually, I am looking for fruity coffees.Although sometimes flower ort nutty coffees are a good option also.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to get into coffee roasting?

Pay as much as you can on education, not on equipment and invest as much time as you can in education.

Tell us about the wonderful coffee scene in Bucharest.

The coffee scene in Bucharest is amazingly growing.There are a lot of nice places to enjoy a great coffee.

Finally,how can our customers find you and your coffee?

They may always find us on our web www.mabo.coffee (we ship worldwide) and also in different coffee shops and subscriptions all over the world.

"Happy to be part of https://iknowjerryfromtoronto.com/ community.In this way, we may reach as many coffee enthusiasts as possible."

we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!