Who was in the July 2023 box?

Completing our sunbathing collection in Porto (PT), coffee with the two brothers of Stromiec (PL), hard time choosing from the samples in Warsaw (PL), to finish with an unusual amount of beans in Warsaw (PL).

Porto - Portugal

Tina Siuda

Long ago during a trip to Porto,

we discovered a small cosy art shop.

Here we bought some works including two nude couples sunbathing.

Beautiful lines and colors.

We later discovered that these were by Tina Siuda.

A Polish illustrator who is based in Porto.

Jerry is curious as to why she moved to Portugal.

Can you paint us a vibrant portrait of your essence,

splashed with playful colors and whimsical brushstrokes?

I think I put all of my heart and soul into my work.

I am always in movement,

I like to change, experiment, shift, dance.

Sometimes I become sad and melancholic,

but not for long, soon enough I will draw a smiley face on any situation I am in.

value imperfection, although I am a perfectionist.

I like contrasts.

Nothing can be too serious,

I make many dad jokes… maybe sometimes too many. 

We found your work in a cozy shop called Ó! Galeria in Porto.

What is your link with this shop?

It is the first place where I exhibited and sold my illustrations in Porto,

soon after I came to this beautiful city over 10 years ago…

Time flies!

It was a very different Porto then.

Anyways, that was a starting point for all the illustrations to come.

I still collaborate with Ó! Galeria,

there is no other place like it.

Of all your projects which one did you enjoy doing the most?

I really enjoyed making pieces in ceramics for my exhibition last year.

I wish to do it again sometime soon.

What caused you to move to Porto?

When I came to Porto I didn’t know I was going to stay for so many years.

I chose a Masters degree here and I had one Portuguese friend at that time.

I lived in Lisbon before and I was really in awe of the climate, architecture and people.

Porto is a bit smaller and greyer, but still,

it conquered my heart and as the years passed by, it became my home.

Jerry visited Porto several times.

He visited some galleries, restaurants and coffee bars such as:

Ó! Galeria, Bird Of Passage, Belos Aires, El Argento and Combi coffee.

What hidden gems and secret havens do you have tucked away in your treasure map?

There are so many!

I would recommend visiting the gallery Senhora Presidenta and the vinyl-bookstore Materia Prima.

Epoca is a cozy place to grab some delicious food,

and if you want to spend a night out having cocktails and dancing,

that would be at Maus Hábitos

"Kanapka :-)"

Stromiec - Poland

Bracia Ziolkowscy

I can still picture this:

strolling amidst the vibrant emerald embrace of a city oasis,

while the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee,

crafted with love by the talented Bracia Ziolkowscy brothers,

envelops your senses.

It’s been just over one year since they joined our box.

Perfect to feature again in the Poland Special.

It’s nice to have the brothers back in our box.

Can you give us a brief introduction to Bracia Ziolkowscy?

We are a micro roastery from Poland.

Bracia Ziółkowscy stands for Ziółkowski Brothers.

There are two of us.

The business guy, CEO, aka the Older Brother.

And the coffee guy, the Younger.

We started out as home roasters back in the early 2000s.

Five years ago we decided to go pro.

We roast specialty coffee, filter, and espresso.

Last year we took 3rd place in the Polish Coffee Roasting Championship.

Did I see correctly, did you moved from Warsaw to Stromiec?

Actually, we’ve always been based in Stromiec.

It's a small village an hour's drive from the city center.

We like it here.

There is a nature protection area in our backyard.

In the front yard, we grow tomatoes.

That’s our vibe.

Has the coffee scene in Poland undergone significant transformations over the past year?

It’s still growing, that’s for sure.

We see new roasters starting all the time.

The existing businesses seem to be roasting more coffee than last year.

There are even more people who drink specialty coffee.

We can’t think of any new trend that has revolutionized the industry.

“Washed coffees will be back you said.”

Jerry finds it hard to find them nowadays…

What do you think of all these new processes?

Hmm, that reminds us of 2013 when a friend of ours said “Facebook will be dead in 2 years”.

I guess we are no better at reading the future.

In May we held a cupping at the Bratislava Coffee Festival.

Only when we started setting up we’ve realized that we’ve brought 6 washed coffees and 1 natural.

This is contrary to our menu policy - we want to keep it diverse in terms of different processes,

even though we seem to like washed coffees the best.

As for the new processes - we sample and look for coffees that would be tasty and are more or less open to experimentation.

So far we’ve learned to like some natural anaerobics from Indonesia.

In Costa Rica, they do interesting things with those modified natural processes.

Oh, and we will soon launch a fake fermentation coffee. Although the launch is too big of a word - it’s going to be a short series.

How can we persuade more people to embrace the wonders of specialty coffee?

Any advice you'd like to share?

Not sure it’s advice, more like our experience.

We see that a good Brazilian single-estate espresso may do wonders.

It’s a relatively easy transition for people drinking dark blends.

We also always keep on a menu darker roast of specialty Ethiopia.

Some would say it’s blasphemy, but we see it as an opening for new customers to explore.

"It’s the summer season.

We are excited to brew coffee outdoors.

We have a Kokekaffe kettle which we love.

Brewing is kind of similar to the French Press.

It’s easy and let’s be honest - coffee always seems tastier when you drink it outdoors."

Warsaw - Poland

La Cava

We found ourselves swimming in a sea of coffee samples,

a bewildering brew of flavors and aromas.

The task of choosing just one became an epic quest,

for the allure of each sip was as tantalizing as a secret whispered by the coffee beans themselves.

But we managed to pick one (what else did you expect 🙂)

We're eager to unlock the story behind your beans and brews. 

Could you enchant us with a delightful introduction to your roastery?

La Cava was founded nearly 15 years ago.

It all started with a love for quality, design and good coffee.

We started as a small company and we grew every year.

As of today, we employ nearly 30 people,

we work on Probat and Diedrich,

we conduct Coffee Skills Program training and we are constantly looking for development opportunities.

Coffee is an endless adventure for us.

We are a team of enthusiasts who love their work and are not afraid of new challenges.

Our head roaster, Aleksander Smęt, is a Q Arabica Grader and the current Polish Cup Tasters Champion and Polish Roasting Champion.

If he's not standing by the roaster, he's probably somewhere in Guatemala or Rwanda looking for new, unique beans.

Our head barista, Daria Figaszewska, has recently become an Authorized SCA Trainer in Barista Skills and Brewing module,

and in a moment also Green Coffee and Sensory Skills.

She's not in the training room?

She is probably running a cupping or workshop at a friend's cafe right now.

We are never bored :)

We never saw so many different coffees at one roastery.

How do you keep them all apart?

 We are very focused on freshness and quality.

When it comes to single-origin filter coffee - we usually order several bags of a given coffee and try to constantly introduce new products so that our offer never gets boring.

On the other hand - we have many loyal fans of our classics, mainly for espresso.

We offer coffee without which our customers cannot imagine a morning or a day at work.

We love to show the diversity, variability and ephemeral nature of coffee.

Sometimes it's hard to keep up with us,

but you'll always find something for yourself. 

This month's box is only with roasters from Poland.

What other roasters in Poland can you recommend?

You know, there are about 200 specialty coffee roasters in Poland!

It is very difficult to choose,

but we will be happy to recommend some young players with great potentials,

such as NAPAR, El Cafetero, MAMAM or Miga Coffee Roasters

Jerry loves the mountains.

I saw there is one nearby called Słonne-berg.

Can we climb this mountain?

Or is it more like a hill?

Haha, there is more than one Wolica in Poland 🙂

We are located right next to Warsaw,

so unfortunately we don't have climbing facilities in the area.

However - we are in the center of Poland,

so you can easily get anywhere from here if you have enough time :)

Ask Daria - she is always on the way!

What exciting plans do you have brewing in the depths of your beans for the days to come?

We are always looking for development,

new opportunities, and new adventures.

Aleksander is getting ready for the World Roasting Championship (keep your fingers crossed!),

which will be held in Taipei in November.

Daria is focused on new modules in an AST license.

We also have some ideas that we are not talking about out loud yet,

but we will certainly show off when the time comes!

"We are very happy that our coffee will go to new people who do not know us yet (or maybe they do?!).

We believe you will love them.

We were pleased to answer your questions.

We think we've gotten to know each other a little bit already, we'd love to get to know each other better in the future.

Have a wonderful coffee!"

Warsaw - Poland


They have an uncommon amount of coffee in their jars.

But not only this sparked Jerry to ask them for this month’s box.

Their coffees were also very varied and delicious.

Perfect to complete our Poland box.

The coffee story of Heresy: how did it start?

A total coincidence!

We both started working in the coffee industry around 2012 and had completely different paths, although we crossed a few times,

so we had a chance to work together.

We met in the middle of the pandemic to catch up and realized we both have skills and ideas that merge perfectly.

Karolina wanted to use her marketing experience to design coffee packaging and a whole brand story,

Piotr wanted to source and roast coffee he enjoyed,

just the best stuff without compromising.

So while none of us actually wanted to have a roastery before,

the idea for Heresy just popped out!

How big is your team?

Heresy is a “nano-roastery” - because our coffee range is quite exclusive we do not roast big volumes of coffee and therefore we do not require many people to run the roastery.

It’s just 3 souls on a daily basis plus a supporting team!

Karolina, the co-founder, is responsible for all “internet stuff”, like marketing & PR, but also finance and strategy.

Piotr, the co-founder, is responsible for all coffee-related stuff, including roasting and green buying.

And there’s Ola, who is a roastery manager and logistics wizard, doing all the “hands-on” stuff needed to deliver our goods to the customers.

We also have Dorota and Antek,

who support us, when it gets super busy.

Poland has a really big coffee scene.

How well are you involved in this?

Karolina worked in the biggest Polish coffee e-commerce as a Marketing Manager and acted as Communication Coordinator for SCA Poland.

She co-organized a couple of national championships, either as a producer or a stage manager.

She was also involved in helping several Polish Barista Champions for their national and world-stage performances through the years.


Piotr used to work in many top specialty cafes in Warsaw back in the day and then pursued his career as a roaster and green coffee buyer.

He then worked for or consulted several roasteries in Poland and abroad. Now he also works in import with coffee producers around the world.


Heresy is the result of connecting all the dots!

Therefore, we are very open to be a part of national events, run both by SCA and independently, offering our support, coffee and Piotr judging experience.

We are also very proud of the “HaHaHa” project, which was a combo of 3 polish roasteries, Heresy, HAYB and Hard Beans (all starting with a letter H, pronounced as “ha” in polish) creating coffee together, with a goal to highlight the fact that roasteries can actually work together and be friends, not necessarily rivals.

Probably I’m not the first one that ask but why 252g in a jar?

  • Because 252 is more symmetrical than 250.
  • Because there are 252 ways of writing the number 4 as a sum of six squares of integers.
  • Because everyone makes 250 and we find life shouldn’t be boring!
  • Because 252 is divided by 6 (actually not our idea, one of our customers noticed!)
  • Because why not?
  • There are no incorrect answers to that!


While quite a fun fact, it also showcases our approach to business and life in general.

We always challenge the status quo, analyzing if it’s actually the best way, or is it just the common way.

The same goes for our packaging, which we believe to be more practical and environmentally friendly than common bags, but also all the “heresies” we preach, such as brewing coffee with boiling hot water.

Apart from fueling your (mine and many others) caffeine cravings,

what other mischief do you indulge in to keep life a delightful blend of adventures and laughter?

What were the odds of you being born?

Around one to 400 trillion. That’s already absurdly funny.

We try not to take life too seriously, so why would we take coffee even half as seriously?

Have fun, make jokes, do pranks, enjoy stupid things and it should be at least alright!

"Everybody’s gangsta until they meet Mr Dunning and Mr Kruger <3"

we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!