Who was in the April 2024 box?

Witnessing the magic she brings to our endeavors in Borgerhout (BE). Tasting Rolls Royce-made coffee in Brussels (BE). Great vibes, great people and specialty coffee in Gliwice (PL) and this coffee tastes better because we know where it comes from in Tallinn (EE).

Borherhout - Belgium


Friends with multi-talented artist Berten Vanderbruggen and collage-making barista Stefanie Skoulos.We are thrilled to welcome a talented illustrator in our box this month, bringing with them expertise in painting, drawing, and t-shirt designing. Hailing from the vibrant city of Antwerp, Harriet Wouters joins us, adding her unique artistic flair to our project. With a diverse skill set spanning various mediums, Harriet's creative contributions promise to elevate our work to new heights. We look forward to collaborating with her and witnessing the magic she brings to our endeavors.

What inspired you to pursue an art career, and when did you realize that it was your passion?

I drew and painted for as long as I can remember, and started making window paintings in drippy watercolors (not a good choice for windows) every year for Christmas when I was little.It was a greyish -albeit cute- mess.In my late teens, I lost my sense of creativity for a bit.I’m very happy that I rediscovered that it’s something that truly belongs to me.Being creative is something that always came back to me throughout my life, varying between drawing, painting, singing and writing.And I’ve noticed that it feels more and more fun and fulfilling, as I put more time into it.At the end of last year, I therefore decided to finally consciously focus more on creating.

How do you start a painting?

Color schemes and shapes pop up when I’m still in bed with my eyes closed, but nearly awake.I then try to recreate that as well as I can or use that as a starting point.It can also be some shapes, shades, or textures that I spot when I´m out and about.I usually sketch in a combination of pencils and markers, ecoline, or watercolor on textured paper.Then I put the final version on paper and finish the details digitally.

Have you ever created a work that had anything to do with coffee?

I´ve had a few small exhibitions in coffee bars.Does that count?Organically, I gravitate more towards organic shapes, bright colors and the female body.

Do you like coffee yourself?

I do!I’m a late bloomer in coffee and started drinking it when I was 26, with lots of milk.Actually enjoying and looking for quality coffee, came long after that.I love the aroma body I got as a bday gift from my friend.I had no idea it existed but wouldn´t want to do without

Besides your work, what are you passionate about?

Sunshine, and some good colorful sunset cloud formations.Real connections with goodhearted people.Feminism, singing, and my job in theater production.And the occasional flare-ups in creative stuff such as embroidery, band rehearsals and other -not always possible to combine- personal goals.They make me someone who's always doing something.

What can we expect from you in the future?

I’m working on a book - a challenge I set myself to this year, without commercial purposes for now.I’d like to bring out a new T-shirt, corresponding with my current colorful feel, get more window paintings going and further embroidery projects as well.I’d like to create bold, colorful and more projects balancing between playfulness and societal themes I care about.

"Make yourself some shortbread with chocolate fudge or banoffee pie.

It will blow your mind.

Also: no one is free until everyone is free."

Brussels - Belgium

Wide Awake

They are experienced roasters, baristas, cuppers, and service professionals.Recently popping up in the coffee shops of Antwerp.I heard a whisper that they roast their coffee on the Rolls-Royce of the coffee roasters.FYI this will be in two weeks hahaCan we taste this in the coffee..

What sparked your interest in coffee roasting?

It all started in 2019 when I was in New York, the early days for specialty in Belgium still.I fell in love with specialty coffee and knew I had to bring this back to Brussels.Wide Awake was born with the idea of making coffee great consistently and accessible.To offer a diverse range of profiles that cater to different tastes.And ever since there hasn’t been much looking back!

Can you tell us something about your team?

A big part of WA is our passionate geeky team.We’re seasoned roasters, baristas, cuppers and service people.We are all crazy about coffee yet humble and eager to learn.The team is quite a diverse bunch from all over the world which makes working together even more interesting and fun.

Do you have a favorite roaster in the industry right now, and why?

We love the work that all Belgian roasters are doing, the coffee scene is growing fast and the growth helps create awareness about the specialty coffee movement.Besides that, we’re great friends with Manhattan, and we also love the approach of Coffee Collective as well.

You competed very well at the Amsterdam Coffee Festival.Is this something you do more often?

Competing is something we’ve now really started to dive into.We realized it's a great way to fastrack learning and growth and meet great people along the way.As much as we can we would love to keep competing to push our own and industry boundaries.

Do you have any hidden gems or favorite spots that you like to explore during your downtime?

Too many to mention them all here.We all love good beers, wines, and foods and lately, there’s been lots of great places opening in Brussels.Definitely check out Old Boy, Kline, or Certo for food.Bar du Canal & Rebel for wine and small bites.For ciders, there’s a great new place called Badi.And for late-night beers & pizza go to Fight Club.

"It’s an exciting year for us as some great projects are in the works, without revealing too much we just want you to know that some really exciting announcements are coming!"

Gliwice - Poland


Coffee from Gliwice, never heard of it.But the roasters from Poland have never disappointed us right?Let's hear what they have to say and have to drink.

Can you introduce us to the team that roasts these very nice interesting coffees?

We are a local group of friends, baristas, and coffee enthusiasts.In our coffee journey, we are mainly focused on people and the quality of green beans.In our roastery, three people are Q Graders Arabica and one Q Grader Robusta.Our team consists of our Head Roaster, Adam Laska, Błażej Walczykiewicz and Paweł Siemaszko, who are the owners of the company.At the production, there are Mateusz, Daniel, and Łukasz who are roasting and packing the coffees you are about to drink.Last but not least is me and Adam.Who is in charge of our coffee friends, cafes and everyone who wants to try our coffees.lWe also have a small cafe where 4 baristas work.

What is the funniest thing that you have experienced during your coffee career?

Adam Laska - Our roasterWe have one friendly Coffee Shop in the U.S.We made the mistake of sending the coffees via sea route instead of air.Another thing that happened is that some supplements were added to the package and the agents on the U.S border halted the delivery.They thought it was drugs.Our coffees eventually got to the Coffeeshop, after 3 months.

What is the best experience you guys have had so far in the specialty coffee industry?

It has been some time ago in Poland, around 10-12 years ago, we had a small competition called “Proinfusion” (Proinfuzja).It was a series of small competitions that took place at different coffee shops in all of Poland.These were events that really brought the specialty coffee community closer.The friendships that were made during that time are still lasting.“Proinfusion” was the competition that was really pushed the specialty coffee scene really forward.

Based in Gliwice.Can you share with us the craziest story you know about Gliwice?

Gliwice is a city in Silesian voivodeship, in southern Poland.My city is most famous for the fact that in Gliwice, in 1939, the Second World War started at the radio pole.German forces infiltrated our city and managed to state a provocation.

Do you have an uncommon habit or hobby that you love?

Grzegorz - Our Relations SpecialistI think I do, from the moment I was 9 years old I have been a shoemaker with my uncle.I specialize in creating soles for the shoes that we create in our workshop.

"Here at Kafar, we are focused on maintaining professional and friendly relations inside our company, with our green coffee suppliers and our coffee friends and Cafes that we work with.Good vibes, great people, Specialty Coffee!"

Tallinn - Estonia

Paper Mill

Finally, we’ve found another roastery in Estonia.In Tallinn, coffee isn't just a beverage—it's a way to connect, unwind, and savor the moment amidst the city's captivating blend of history and modernity.The last two didn't disappoint us, nor will this one!

The Coffee Story of Paper Mill:How did it start?

Back in 2019, we Kristel & Margus, returned from our 10-year stay in London where we were running a coffee cart at first, then multiple, before moving on to having four brick & mortar shops for our brand Mouse Tail Coffee and taking on Mission Coffee Works roastery. After returning to Estonia, from the passion to bring the highest standard of specialty coffee to everyone, emerged Paper Mill Coffee, which has now been running for more than 3 years. Bringing to the market on average 20-30 unique coffees a year anywhere from more classical, balanced flavors to more experimental and funky cups, our roastery sources green coffee only from ethical and sustainable coffee estates with a transparent supply chain. In the year 2024, we’ll celebrate our 4th birthday and are proud to be an active member of the specialty coffee community, putting on various coffee events and serving coffee not only in Tallinn but also in Helsinki and Vilnius festivals as well as supplying some of the best cafes in Tallinn and Europe.

What do you think is the major misconception about specialty coffee?

Probably it’s just about being trendy or expensive.While it's true that it often comes with a higher price tag, due to factors like quality sourcing, ethical practices, and precise brewing techniques, its value goes far beyond just being a luxury item.Specialty coffee represents a commitment to sustainability, community support, and craftsmanship. These things should definitely stay!

How is the coffee scene in Estonia?And how well are you involved in this?

The coffee scene in Estonia keeps on getting better and better.We’re fortunate to have the Tallinn Coffee Festival which grows every year and highlights the local roasteries as well as other coffee events put on by ourselves and other Estonian companies.One of our favorites was definitely organizing the Estonian Aeropress Championship 2023 together with another roastery,The Brick, where we sent the winner to compete in the world championship in Australia.

When we’re in your town what do we need to do?

Coupled with the beautiful sights of Tallinn's old town and a walk by the seaside:Morning coffee & pastries at Paper Mill :)Brunch at Põhjala BreweryDinner & wine at Karjase Restoran

When you're not roasting, what do you like to do then?

You can find us on the judges panel for various coffee events, doing workshops and enjoying the spring sun at our local cafes.We are lucky enough to have a lot of beautiful nature and hiking trails just a short drive from Tallinn, spending time outdoors is definitely something we enjoy doing.

"Coffee tastes better when you know where it comes from!"

we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!