Who was in the December 2021 box?

Move by the mountain never seen a mountain move⁠
But look at what the mountain do⁠
Molehill or mountain what be you...
"Roasted in the beautiful Julian Alps⁠ Bled (SI)⁠ ⁠⁠"

⁠Reaching for the top so we gotta be careful⁠

It's so beautiful and I'm so tearful⁠

Weeping at the mountain what are we here for...⁠
"Roasted in the beautiful Scandinavian Alps⁠ Hemsedal (NO)⁠ ⁠⁠"

Can I ever be more like the mountain do⁠

With the mounting dew to be here for way much more...⁠
"Roasted near the beautiful Swiss Alps⁠ Unterlunkhofen (CH)⁠"

Edinburgh - Scotland


Looking for artists who have something to do with the mountains.

In Scotland, we bumped into Rebecca J Kaye.

She has an enormous passion for nature, including the mountains.

Ploterre, like Jerry, sees art in nature.

She brings environmental data to life through a combination of mathematics and design.

I am happy to introduce you to Ploterre from Edinburgh, Scotland.

Can you introduce yourself briefly to us?

My name is Rebecca Kaye and I work under the moniker of ploterre.

The name Ploterre merges plotting and the earth to loosely describe what my work attempts to do - which is plotting the earth.

It also sounds similar to one of my drawing tools - a pen plotter.

My background is mathematics and design and I essentially use environmental data to create artwork.

Jerry has already had the opportunity to spend some time in the Scottish mountains.

He remembers the Cairngorms as very rough.

Which mountains were most interesting to you?

The cairngorms range is beautiful and the scenery there is unique.

As the area is some of the most remote in Scotland (and the UK), the flora and fauna are largely the same as they would have been hundreds of years ago and so this area is special to me.

How does it work to create one of your works?

Each piece starts as a question when I’m spending time in the outdoors, from wondering what colors fly into our gardens to understanding tidal currents.

This inevitably leads to a lot of research.

The research begins with scientific papers and online journals before I determine what datasets to use to explore further.

Once I’ve explored and analyzed the dataset to find insights and patterns, I then set about turning these patterns within the data into patterns within designs.

This is done through writing code to link the data to the design via a series of mathematical formulas.

The whole process takes between one to two weeks.

What work you did do for the box, what can you tell us about it?

The work I did for the box explored all 282 Munros in Scotland.

A Munro is a mountain over 3,000 feet.

When I linked the height of the summits for each of these mountains and ordered them by latitude and longitude, I started to form a mountain ridge that appeared like it was one mountain (and not 282).

It also resembled the Fitzroy mountain range seen in the Patagonia logo.

Caledonia is a Latin word that describes Scotland and it seemed like the perfect fit to play on this given Patagonia's affinity with nature and the natural world.

What was your best/most interesting project so far?

I like the fact that all my projects are so different and that each one leads me on a different journey.

When I start on a new project - I never quite know what the output is going to be or what questions I’ll ask along the way.

The process completely informs the design and I love this aspect

Do you like coffee :-)?

A definite yes!

Bled - Slovenia

Kolektiv 22

The Julian Alps are with no doubt the most amazing part of Slovenia.

The varied alpine landscape with bold limestone peaks reaching well over 2,000 meters into the sky will dazzle you with its panoramic and breathtaking scenery.

Imagine that you can wake up here and be there day after day.

But even better, imagine that your coffee is roasted here.

With the purest air and the most relaxed people.

Lucky for us, our coffee was roasted here this month.

Enjoy the fresh coffee of Kolektiv 22 from their micro roastery made with crisp Alpine air in the Julian Alps.

I am so happy to welcome you back to our box.

Can you briefly introduce Kolektiv 22 for those who don't know you yet?

Thanks for having us Jerry!

We are a small family roastery in the heart of the Slovenian Alps.

We all do our share to provide the best customer service and beans around this area.

We like to offer different beans a few times a year; that way, we can explore the interesting coffee world together with our customers and are never bored.

Has it changed much for you since the last time we met?

Not that much - the covid situation resulted in fewer customers at the coffee shops our coffee is at.

But we do have more customers who buy our coffee through our webshop so we’re very excited about that!

Jerry has been to the Julian Alps several times.

White-colored rocks, beautiful!

What makes these mountains so impressive to you?

It’s like our air.

It is where my brother and I (Polona) grew up and spent a lot (a lot) of time, skiing, snowboarding, and hiking.

We can’t imagine living without the sight of the beauty that is the Alps.

Apart from coffee, what other treats does your region have to offer? …

We are famous for our honey, mead (a spirit made out of honey), poetry (France Prešeren, our most famous poet lives a few km away from our roastery) and many other writers - we consider that a treat too.

Are there other specialty coffee roasters in the area that you can recommend?

There aren’t a lot in the area.

There are more in Ljubljana, our favorite one is Čokl.

You also have an Alpine House in Smokuč.

What can we expect from it?

Our dad Dani is a great host, he likes to be one.

So you can expect a very friendly welcome when visiting, with a nice dinner or breakfast, especially during the summer, when he fires up his grill, which he calls the Ferrari because it’s such a cutting edge in his opinion.

“We’re very excited we can be a part of your story.

We love your sense of aesthetics so just keep on doing what you’re doing.

Thank you!”

Hemsedal - Norway

Scandinavian Alps Coffee

I think Adrian gave the final push to start “I know Jerry from Toronto”.

We had planned to do a mountain and coffee adventure in the Scandinavian Alps but C** has upset the plans for the moment.

This is not to say that there will be no more adventure in Norway.

We are glad that we got the coffee back.

For some time now they have been roasting BADASS coffee, from Hemsedal Norway the Scandinavian Alps Coffee Roasters.

Nice to have you back in our box.

Even better in our "Move like the mountain" special(ty) box!

For those who are new, can you quickly introduce yourselves?

Yes, no worries!

Hi, I am Adrian Head Roaster/Founder of SACR.

I am originally from Canada but now live and work in Norway with my wife who is Swedish and family.

I love the outdoors and a good cup of coffee.

Can you tell us something about your "mountain rescue club"?

The MRC is a coffee subscription for those who also appreciate good coffee and would like to receive fresh coffee in the mail each month.

We have 3 subscriptions: Heritage, adventure, and now Roasters Choice.

The perfect cure or gift during a world pandemic.

You have become a father for the third time in a row.

How does this fit in with the roastery and your outdoor activities?

Really blessed to have 3 healthy kids.

There is a fine balance between work life and family life.

My wife and I appreciate the extra caffeine needed to manage our small kids.

They are still quite small so it is challenging to do all the outdoor activities but the 5 and 3-year-olds are getting into skiing and it is a joy to pass on the passion for winter sports.

You have moved the roastery to a new location?

How do you like it here?

The new location is badass.

It is located just on the edge of town so we get a nice balance of people visiting but not too many where it is distracting for focus.

Amazing views and always inspiring so fortunate to have landed in this new home.

I see you have new members on your team.

A trail runner?

We have a select few Scandinavian Alps Athletes who are dedicated to their unique sport and love of coffee.

So their role is to share their passion for their craft and love for coffee.

Our role is to supply them with fresh coffee and goodies.

Yes, we have Henry McNulty a trail runner who is from Australia but resides in Oslo now.

He competes all over Scandinavia and Europe with race events and Orienteering.

He loves coffee and believes it makes him faster and find his way on the trails better.

Does this happen a lot around Hemsedal?

We have the AIM Challenge come through Hemsedal every summer.

It is a pretty big event and quite challenging.

Never done it but looking to sponsor it in the near future.

Another reason to come there?

There are many reasons to explore Norway.

It is one beautiful place.

If you love hiking and biking in the summer then come.

If you love skiing and touring in the winter then come.

Also, drop by for a hello and coffee at the roastery.

What attracts you to the mountains?

Being surrounded by massive peaks helps inspire me each day and also helps ground me since I feel so small within nature.

Being able to climb and ski down fresh blankets of snow is a pure addicting drug.

“Ski fast, take chances!”

Unterlunkhofen - Switzerland


Jerry has been climbing, walking, and hiking a lot in the Swiss Alps, but he has never heard of this village.

But it seems that everything Jerry needs to be happy is here... Mountains, fresh air, and specialty coffee!

Vertical coffee roasters have been supplying this region with delicious coffee since 2010.

I look forward to getting to know you better.

How did your coffee story begin?

As avid long-distance triathletes we initially got into coffee by enjoying coffee as a reward for a tough swim session - and sometimes as an excuse to skip the swimming and go for coffee instead.

But when we traveled to Hawaii for the Ironman World Championships in 2007 where Simone was racing, we experienced coffee in a whole new way: We visited a coffee farm and got to know the process from cherry to cup and on the retail/coffee shop side also a more lifestyle-y way of coffee.

While coffee in Switzerland was still very much fully automatic bean-to-cup machines, old-school boring and secretive but generic blends, coffee was a fun and cool thing here in a very relaxed and origin-focused way.

We decided that we needed to shake the coffee things up in Switzerland and a few years later, we dove into roasting coffee and the rest is history.

I am not surprised that Vertical has a background in outdoor sports.

Would you like to tell us about it briefly?

As mentioned, we were long-distance triathletes back in the day and generally love the great outdoors.

There’s so much to do and to discover: About your environment and also about yourself.

Getting to know your surroundings on your own two feet or being ‘self-fuelled’ is a really fun and rewarding thing.

Although we don’t compete in triathlons anymore, we love to spend time on our bikes and explore what’s around us.

Where our cycling skills fall short we use our feet to hike or run!

There is a lot to do in Unterlunkhofen, and Vertical is involved in a lot.

What can we do here if we come to see you?


We are on the outskirts of Zurich though which is the largest city in Switzerland and where a lot is going on.

In Unterlunkhofen itself, there’s not too much to do.

It’s a small town with a population of around 1’000 people who mostly commute to Zurich or Zug which is also nearby.

Our town is set in the rolling hills of the Swiss Midland where there’s quite a bit of farmland and forests.

From here you can set off on quiet roads and paths and explore to the pre-alps and lakes of central Switzerland or head over to the ‘Jurassic Park’, the foothills of the Jura Mountain Range.

Apart from a bakery and a roastery, there aren’t a lot of points of interest in our small town - OK, there is our Bean Shop (a self-serve shop where you can buy fresh coffee) in front of the roastery, because we aren’t in the roastery all the time… and then there are a few farms and good bird-watching spots.

What is the most impressive place where you have already made coffee?

There is not one most impressive place.

Every time we make a coffee with a view (like on a mountaintop) and we have reached the place by our means, this is special.

You get to reflect on where you started, how far you’ve come, and also where you’re heading next.

Every time Jerry comes to the mountains, he is impressed.

How are the mountains around you?

The mountains around us are more punchy, rolling hills and not the Alps themselves.

But on a clear day, we get a great view of the alpine range and especially when the tops are snow-covered, it’s touching.

Are there any coffee roasters near you?

In Zurich, there are quite a few coffee roasteries doing specialty coffee as well and in the more rural area near us a few more old-school roasteries are burning the beans.

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

(Theodore Roosevelt)

we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!