Who was in the December 2022 box?

We dedicate this month to the mountains.⁠What could be more beautiful than a face in a cloud?⁠3 roasters from the mountains⁠.For Jerry, this is pure enjoyment!⁠

Ljubljana - Slovenia

Urška Alič

A graphic designer, silkscreen printer, and artist based amid hills in Slovenia.Beautiful scenery where you get all inspired.Under the slogan Goods to wear — to stare she presents her work through different practices and mediums (digital illustration, silkscreen printing, risography, sewing, etc.)

I am curious about your first interactions with art,and what inspired you to start making art yourself.

I don't know if I really have an answer to this. I remember doing a nice portrait of my dad when I was a kid that of course got lost somewhere, and I liked the art classes contrary to most classmates in primary school.Then lost touch for a few years, but deciding for university, I was split between history and graphic design. Sounds weird, I know. But then I bought a book about graphic design and was hooked. During my faculty years, I started going out more (never really did before cause I grew up in a village) – to concerts, and exhibitions and then a friend signed us up for a screenprinting course. It all escalated from there. I still need to learn so much though.

Jerry has been to Slovenia a few times.Can you give us some tips on what we should definitely do in your area?

First: Jerry, let's grab a beer (or coffee) when you're back here!Slovenia is a nice destination if you like nature, but it's tiny and gets really crowded during the summer, so I would suggest coming in spring or fall. Hikes are best then, lakes are still warm enough to swim in in September. In Ljubljana, you can find some nice creative collectives if you are looking for connections. The young scene is really vibrant. But if you're up for a road trip, I would recommend doing trips around the country, to all regions, trying local food, and going for walks and bike trips. 

In December, we celebrate the mountains.The memories I made in the mountains stay in my heart forever.I see that you also dwell and the mountains.What attracts you to the mountains?

Growing up in the countryside we were always running around, I think this just stayed with me. But now, walks/hikes also help me clear my head and I prefer to spend a few hours/a day on a hike or on a trip with friends, talking and sharing stuff to any hanging out at a bar in the city, where I just feel it’s always done in a bit of a rush.

This year we are calling it 'A face in the cloud'With this, we refer to the most beautiful moment:Drinking coffee while watching a mountain peak hanging in the clouds.Where do you prefer to drink your coffee?

Haha, I have a ritual of making coffee at the top of a mountain with a friend! But the place is really not that important to me. I've made coffee on the curb at an autostop and on the seaside cliffs … the most important things about it are the people you're making coffee with and the time you take to share it. It's cheezy but it's true. Or just pausing yourself. 

Where can we see your work?

You can see a selection of my work on my website alicurska.com or you can follow me on Instagram (/urska.alic) to get updates on any new things in the making. I am bad at social media though, so don't expect daily reports :) 

Do you have a space to do your printing?

Like most artists I'd say, my living space is also partly a working space. The screenprinting and sewing are done at home. It's a struggle sometimes. And we have a shared space in Ljubljana with a riso collective that I am a part of, Riso Paradiso. 

"This is a bit of a sidetrack to anything I've said, but I think it's really important to tell people that you like their work, support them, or collaborate with them if you can – we're all connected in a way, so why not try to make it a better place!? Also, call/text your friends, ask them how they are, what's keeping them busy, are they healthy, or happy. Also, take care of yourself. That's it from this Gandhi channel, thanks for taking the time :D"

Hemsedal - Norway


It is becoming a tradition:December, month of mountains AND coffee from the Scandinavian Alps.You’re expanding fast.New HQ and roastery.More members in your team but also more children ;-)

Can you give us an update on what has happened since our last mountain box?

Hi Jerry from -22 in Hemsedal, Norway today. A quick update is coming out of a world pandemic coffee proves to be recession-proof, however, inflation and coffee supply prices have increased 30-40%, plus high energy prices and shipping. So expect your daily brew to get a little more expensive, but still a very affordable expense. Besides taking on a few more wholesale customers the newest thing is our 100% metal, reusable packaging. The new olive oil-style cans with one-way valves have been a huge hit and coffee folks love them. The goal is to become more green into 2023 and packaging can always be an issue for most companies.Also, the plan is to move to a larger roaster and scale up, however still in an organic slow and steady mentality.Similar to a plant. Keep the strong roots we have started with and grow without a strong wind to knock us down.

You’re expanding fast but is the specialty coffee scene in Norway also doing this?

It is definitely slow organic growth but specialty coffee is becoming more popular as more micro roasters pop up in Norway.In 2016 when we started there were maybe 25 and now there are about 80.So yes, the coffee scene is moving like the beer market did with more choices of artisan products and a focus on quality, local goods.

In December, we celebrate the mountains.I love this place it makes me realize how tiny I and my problems are.What attracted you to the mountains?

In one word: POWDER SNOW.The mountains have so much soul, energy, and inspiring views.Waking up with them each morning and drinking coffee is a true blessing.Getting to walk up them and ski down even better.

This year we are calling it 'A face in the cloud'With this, we refer to the most beautiful moment:Drinking coffee while watching a mountain peak hanging in the clouds.Where do you prefer to drink your coffee?

With 3 small kids, I prefer to sit in my Sunday chair facing the windows and my kids playing in the foreground and the sun and peaks in the background.Great feeling.Before kids working as a ski teacher I would always love to take the first chair ride up and enjoy the moment.Then ski down for a quick coffee before the first lesson.Miss those days.

How can we become a member of your team?Or how can we get someone to join?

Best to send in an email and CV and why you want to join. 

Can you tell us something about the coffee that is in the box?

This is a beautiful washed Kenyan.Think notes of rich chocolate, blackberries, alive and kicking grapefruit acidity, and juicy texture body.Kenyan coffee is my favorite origin.The champagne of the coffee world.Hope you enjoy this lovely coffee.

"Ski fast, take chances in 2023."

Thanks for all the support Jerry members!

You guys rock.

Adrian-head roaster/founder

Chamonix - France


From a town in the mountains where one of the most iconic trail running races takes place.Here I have already run the most beautiful mountain trails, climbed the wildest couloirs, and suffered the hardest.Now I have also met an amazing coffee roaster here through 'The planted-based runner'.Thanks, Nick for this encounter!

How did you end up making coffee in these beautiful mountains?

We arrived in Chamonix in 2006 direct from New Zealand with the idea of setting up a specialty coffee shop like the ones we had enjoyed in Auckland and Christchurch - but realized very quickly that it was too early for France and they just wouldn’t have ‘got it’. Instead, we launched a Deli and takeaway food shop in central Chamonix - we found a tiny old premises, put a kitchen in there, and started selling 100% house-made healthy dishes to the Chamonix masses. Around 2013 we saw some of the first specialty coffee shops opening in  Paris and realized…it’s coming! Bought ourselves a Probatino 1kg roaster and started roasting coffee for the Deli. 2 years later we sold the Deli business and concentrated on the coffee, opening our espresso bar in 2016.

In December, we celebrate the mountains.When I am in the mountains, I learn to appreciate the smallest things in life again.What attracted you to the mountains?

For us, it was always going to be the mountains…or at the beach!We came to Chamonix at the same time as our need to launch our own enterprise, met a bunch of great people and started to make roots!One day I have no doubt we will return to the beach…places with ice-cold winters are no place to grow old…!

This year we are calling it 'A face in the cloud'With this, we refer to the most beautiful moment:Drinking coffee while watching a mountain peak hanging in the clouds.Where do you prefer to drink your coffee?

At home, in bed, with the whole family - including our stinky old Basset Hound 😊

At the end of summer, your town fills up with trail runners for the iconic UTMB race.Can you tell us a bit about this combination with specialty coffee and trail runners?

UTMB is a super-exciting week in the Chamonix calendar.We are absolutely slammed from opening until close every day with the world’s ultra-running glitterati - it’s great fun.Coffee seems to be the one permitted ‘vice’ of the super-fit, and they indulge big-time in that week!

Last summer a friend of Jerry came to Chamonix to train and work for Moody.Nick but we call him “the planted-based runner”.How was your experience with him

Nick is special. From the moment we first interviewed him we could tell he was a consummate professional - someone we could trust to leave in charge of the cafe from the outset, in the knowledge he would maintain and exceed the level of service and quality of coffee we have earned the reputation for. Baristas like Nick don’t come along often, any cafe (or individual for that matter) that is fortunate enough to meet and/or work with Nick should count themselves lucky indeed!

"Both something and anything 😜"

Chambery - France

Mr. Blanchot Coffee

"Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!” Jerry follows the white rabbit down the rabbit hole into Wonderland!This wonderland is called Chambery and here we find a white rabbit called Mr. Blanchot roasting coffee as we like it.

Can you tell us the story of your white rabbit?

I first spotted Mr. Blanchot (the local name for the mountain hare who turns white in the winter) whilst out snowshoeing in the beautiful Maurienne Valley. He's a bit mysterious which I like so I decided to name the roastery after him. 

In December, we celebrate the mountains.I like to climb mountains not so the world will see me but so that I can see the world.What attracted you to the mountains?

Ever since I was a little boy growing up in NZ I've been attracted to the mountains. Reading amazing stories of epic climbs in the Alps or the Himalayas inspired me to spend more time in the mountains. Now I'm lucky enough to live and roast coffee in the Alps! 

This year we are calling it 'A face in the cloud'With this, we refer to the most beautiful moment:Drinking coffee while watching a mountain peak hanging in the clouds.Where do you prefer to drink your coffee?

Definitely on our chalet balcony looking across the valley at the Luzière mountain range. Although, it's now getting quite cold so sitting next to the fire with the view out the window is pretty good. 

Are there more coffee roasters in the French Alps we need to try?

There is Moody Coffee Roasters in Chamonix who are definitely worth checking out!

Jerry knows what to do in the mountains.But can you tell us what we need to do and see in your town?

Chambery is a sweet little town with a beautiful ancient village. We are based out of the city in a very small village called Montgilbert at the start of the Maurienne Valley. I'd definitely recommend visiting the valley, and exploring the stunning Belledonne mountains and the Haute Maurienne to get away from it all. Also, check out the many local producers doing great things in this part of the world.

"Keep drinking coffee :)"

we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!