Who was in the January 2024 box?

I can't help but notice his work everywhere in Ghent (BE), haha, we've achieved it at last!

His work and their coffee in Bratislava (SK), a good way to start the new year, a box in a box in Emmerich am Rhein (DE) to end up with a new box in the box from Banská Bystrica (SK).

Let's enjoy the boxes in the box :-)

Ghent - Belgium


I can't help but notice his work everywhere - in the newspaper as I read, when I enjoy a beer, and even when I savor a cup of coffee from the other side of Europe.

Every time, there's an illustration by Meneer Heirman.

He created the first artwork when Jerry began, and he's consistently improving!

What is his secret and where does he find his inspiration?

Can you tell us a bit about your background and what inspired you to become an illustrator?

I always loved illustrations from graphic novels and animation movies, but I'd never tried it myself.

Tired of a boring job at a supposedly creative office, I craved more excitement in life.

So, I began doodling and exploring illustration after work hours.

Back in 2019, I jumped into the world of freelance illustration, it has been a crazy ride!


Talk us through a typical day at your studio.

My morning routine usually starts with a cup of coffee before I dive into checking my mailbox and then onto my illustration work.

Whenever I can, I try to fit in a run somewhere during the day.

Where do you keep finding your inspiration?

I'm the kind of person who gets interested in pretty much everything.

And when I do, I dive super deep into it—haha, it's just my thing!

I try to take all those interests and use them as inspiration for my work.

Pop culture is a huge influence on me, and I always keep Charles Fréger's photo book right by my side.

We believe that coffee and art are the perfect combination.

And you exemplify this harmony.

The wait for the outcome in the box was worth it, and now that it's here, could you share your experience collaborating with Triple Five?

I'm super happy that Martin invited me to collaborate on this project; it's easily one of my recent favorites.

The entire experience was incredibly smooth sailing—I wish every project could be this seamless!

What lies ahead in the future for Meneer Heirman?

Honestly, I'm not sure what lies ahead for me as an illustrator.

I've still got a few things on my bucket list to explore.

Being a huge fan of sports, collaborating with an exciting sports brand would be an absolute dream.

In 2022, I had my debut expo—perhaps I'm gearing up for another one?

I don’t know.


Bratislava - Slovakia


Haha, we've achieved it at last!

A partnership has been a collaboration between this roaster and our first artist, bringing immense joy to Jerry.

Unlike last year when the coffee boxes were not yet printed, this time they are ready.

It's truly delightful to savor their exquisite coffee once more.

Exactly a year ago, we enjoyed their Shakiso from Ethiopia, and it remains the finest cup we've had from various roasters.

I don’t think you need an introduction anymore :-) but perhaps for our new Jerry members, a brief introduction is in order.

We are a small specialty coffee roastery based in Bratislava, Slovakia, where we also have two cafés.

Too bad the coffee bags weren’t ready yet last year.

But this immediately gave us another reason to work together again.

So here we are! Are you happy with the result?

Yes, we are extremely happy with the result.

We wanted something colorful, and original, that playfully uses our original design and that catches the eyes of customers - which is exactly the case with this design and people love it!

We believe that coffee and art are the perfect combination.

and you exemplify this harmony.

The wait for the outcome in the box was worth it, and now that it's here.

How can we make more such collaborations happen?

Collaborations between artists and coffee roasters are something that should be further explored.

People who enjoy exploring coffee flavors are often very open to art in its different forms.

We definitely would love to continue this cooperation as artists like Xerxes Heirman truly add a layer of beauty to our products, making them extra special.

What is your favorite coffee?

It can be a specific variety, origin, or a roaster.

At the moment my favorite coffee is a kimono from our friends Maria and Pedro Fernandez in Finca La Serrania in Guatemala.

It is a natural processed coffee and is a specific variety that grows only on that farm.

It is super jammy:)

What flavors and notes do people enjoy about your coffee?

I think what people like is the fact our coffees are sweet, fruity and balanced, and that we always try to be consistent in our taste profiles.

We also attach a lot of importance to being transparent about where the coffee comes from and try to have as much direct-trade coffee as possible, which people appreciate.

"Please come and visit us in Bratislava!"

Banská Bystrica - Slovakia


A city abundant with treasures, copper, silver, iron, and gold.

All attributed to the presence of a salamander.

While copper and silver hold no allure for us, our sole focus is on the gold, the black gold of Mlsnacava.

Banská Bystrica sounds like a great place to live and work.

How did you end up here with your roastery?

Born and raised here.

Not only me, but this applies to the majority of the team in our company.

I can talk about two huge factors, why we are based in Banská Bystrica.

First of all, it is really in the middle of the country.

We not only roast coffee, but we also distribute a wide range of coffee-related products, provide all kinds of services for our customers and travel a lot.

Doing so from this small town is convenient.

Secondly, the work-life balance here is amazing.

It is just about the size, that you are not bored by it, but on the other hand so close to nature, especially the mountains.

You can close the door at your office and be in the middle of nowhere, deep in the forest, riding a bike in less than 20 minutes.

Other than roasting coffee, what are the other facets of coffee that interest you?

We as a company have been importing roasted beans from Italy, since 2012.

I know that most of you will not like what I am about to say, but we fell in love with the whole culture of drinking coffee by Italians.

By the time, we grew, as a company,  we learned a lot as a team and in 2019 inevitably happened.

We started to roast our coffee.

We still roast some traditional blends, but we are mainly focusing now on specialty coffees.

After working with Italians, we also started to import products from brands like Victoria Arduino, Nuova Simonelli, Modbar and many others.

So I am an absolute geek about coffee machines.

Maybe even more than coffee itself.

But you know, we are a team of almost 15 people now, so everybody is focusing on different aspects of the coffee industry.

Could you share some details about the coffee that is included in the box?

Beans are from Gitega Hills in Rwanda, washed.

My favorite origin and area for growing coffee in the world.

A great amount of rain has helped the quality of this particular coffee.

The processing station employs 150 people, most of them seasonal workers.

What is interesting, is the fact that more than 90% of all the employees are women.

Gitega Hills station is buying coffee from more than 1000 farmers.

You can expect a nice, clean cup of coffee.

Hints of Earl Grey tea, gingerbread, caramel and nougat can be found in the cup.

Your city has so many things to tell.

Can you share with us the craziest story you know about Banská Bystrica?

Most of the copper used in Venice is from Banská Bystrica.

Back in the day, this mining town was really important for international trade in the whole of Europe.

Actually, not long ago this happened:

The approximately 500-year-old wreck of a merchant ship was discovered at the bottom of the sea off the Frisian Islands by a Dutch salvage team.

Its members came across the wreck by chance while searching for hundreds of shipping containers lost in January by the German-bound cargo ship MSC Zoe.

The ship was probably built in the 1540s, and the vessel was carrying copper belonging to the influential Fugger family, an influential German business family that dominated European commercial life in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Copper plates salvaged from the wreck bear the Fugger trademark.

This copper was all from our town.

What brewing technique do you prefer?

And why?

As I have said earlier, I fell in love with coffee in Italy, so for me, it is espresso.

Also, our market is influenced by this culture, so it is quite common.

If we talk about filter coffee, Kalita is the one method I am using the most.

"I would just like to say that I am really happy that our hard work in a small country, where specialty coffee is still very new, is starting to be recognized by people not only in Slovakia but the whole of Europe.

Enjoy a cup of my favorite coffee we roast.

You can always find Rwandas in our offer."

Emmerich am Rhein - Germany


A good way to start the new year, a box in a box.

And definitely when it is a box of this German roaster!

Their coffee last time blew us away, really never thought that this insane process coffee could taste so daim good.

So here we are again, exactly one year later.

This box of coffee doesn’t only look nice beside the other ones this month but also tastes heavenly good.


Tell us a bit about yourselves..

We are a relatively young team, that is running a pretty old roastery.

I’m running the roastery in the 6th generation of our family and we are approaching our 200th birthday in a couple of years.

Although, we have a long history and therefore a lot of experience you should not mistake us for a typical traditional roastery.

We love modern coffees and we love to experiment with new processes, varieties and roasting techniques.

How is the business going?

Has much changed compared to last year?

We’re pretty happy with how the business is going.

We’re growing slowly but surely with a growth of 10% every year.

You've tried a few coffee boxes from Jerry.

What did you think of the featured roasters?

I didn’t know many of the roasteries before but I was pleasantly surprised by the great overall quality of the coffees.

Last time, I didn’t ask, but who designed the artwork on your coffee boxes?

The artwork on the back of the boxes was made by Antje Herzog (antjeherzog.de) an illustrator who lives near Bonn and grew up in our hometown Emmerich am Rhein.

The design for the boxes was made by myself.

In your city, Emmerich am Rhein, how is the coffee scene over there?

We are the secret capital of the European coffee scene as roasting machine manufacturer Probat also has its headquarters and main production here.

But apart from that, the coffee scene is pretty much dead :)

"Many thanks for having us again and keep up the great work!"

we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!