Who was in the July 2021 box?

From Alsemberg (BE) to Warsaw (PL) further to Ostrava (CZ) all the way back to Brasschaat (BE).

Make yourself a nice coffee and start reading!

Brasschaat - Belgium


He starts with a ball of clay and ends with dark-shadowed paintings.

Born and raised in a small village in the shadow of Belgium's greatest goalkeeping talent ever: Jean Marie Pfaff :-).

Meet Maarten B.


Who is Maarten B.?

Tell me something about yourself.

Maarten MaBo Boogaerts, MaBo is the name for an artist or whatever you want to call it.

Creative, but not always able to get there, loves nature and is a professional gardener.

Attends evening school for art painting and is currently in his second year of specializing in clay heads.

How did you start with painting?

For the chiro, on the walls of the classrooms or panels and in people's homes with acrylic paint.

And now I am taking evening classes in oil paint.

Where did you get your inspiration for these paintings?

For years, I have been scribbling papers full of little heads.

For my final project at the painting academy, I made heads of clay and photographed them to bring more depth to my work.

Besides paint, are there any other materials that you like to work with or would like to work with?

Papier-mâché, clay, pen, and charcoal I use for my preliminary studies.

I would like to master pen and ink, calligraphy, and graffiti looks like something fun too.

Are there other places where we can see and buy your work?

At the academy, at my home, and at my brother's home.

I am not selling anything at the moment.

Leave your email address at I know Jerry from Toronto and I will keep you informed.

When you’re not making paintings what do you do?

Scribbling papers full of heads and other stupid things, walking and working as a gardener.

“It is nice that I can do something like this.”

Alsemberg - Belgium


Jerry likes to discover the Belgian Specialty Coffee scene.

It’s growing rapidly and this makes me so happy!

Based in Alsemberg a small town in the south of Brussels we find Tanguy with his micro-roastery  ‘Gust Coffee Roasters’

He believes that behind every great coffee, there's an origin and a true story about people and cultures.

Let’s find out about his story.

Hi Tanguy,
we are very curious to hear your coffee story, please tell us.

Hi Jerry, my coffee story started 15 years ago when I traveled to Australia and tasted another kind of coffee I was used to drinking in Belgium.
The coffee wasn’t burnt and was sweet and fruity with even a little acidity, which I found amazing.
I discovered specialty coffee.
When coming back, it started haunting me and I tasted coffees from many different roasters across Europe.
What I loved the most, is that every roaster has its own ‘touch’ and roasting style.
In 2020 I decided to make the jump and start my roastery with the coffee I liked the most.
But I also wanted to go back to the values that were
important to me, being: real, honest, and craftsmanship.
That’s why, besides the quality, my aim is always to find
coffees from ethical and sustainable origins and with a
minimum of intermediaries across the coffee supply chain.
That's what makes great coffee really special.

Who has been the biggest inspiration or mentor for you in your coffee life?

My biggest inspiration for coffee was probably the first natural single-origin I drank from a roaster the Barn in Berlin,
so amazingly fruity, sweet, and balanced, I couldn’t believe it was coffee!

We get more and more requests for brewing recipes.

What do you think is the best way to make this coffee?

I love experimenting with filter coffee, especially V60 and Kalita are my favorites, as you get all the delicate notes out of a coffee.

I can really enjoy taking the time to discover what tasting notes a coffee contains, it’s kind of a yoga session for me.

To be honest, I had never heard of Alsemberg.

Jerry is always eager to discover new places.

What should we look for in your town?

Alsemberg is located in the southwest of Brussels, in the Senne Valley, known for its Lambic beers, fermented through exposure to wild yeasts and bacteria native to the Senne Valley.

This process gives the beer its distinctive fruity and sweet flavors with a bright acidity, very similar to a great coffee.

We have often seen Gust in other coffee subscriptions; Jerry is wondering how this works.

We really believe in subscriptions for coffee, as it’s a product you normally always need in your household but you sometimes forget to plan.

With a subscription, you always have freshly roasted coffee at home, just enough for your consumption and it makes you discover new origins again and again, which is the most exciting with specialty coffee.

“If not yet the case…, start experimenting and exploring coffee !”

Warsaw - Poland

Coffee Plant

I think we stay a little bit longer in Poland.

Here is so much to see.

Do you want to see the biggest mammals in Europe?

Head to Poland to see bison!

Street art in Poland is growing rapidly and the design and concept are world-class, like their coffee.

The other reason we want to stay, Coffee Plant in Warsaw.

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

How did you get started in coffee?

What do you love about what you do?

Our history started approximately 5 years ago when Szymon with Dagmara and Michał launched www.coffeeplant.pl.

From the beginning, it was just a coffee blog, which was an expression of my passion for specialty coffee.

We didn’t expect that our coffee path would lead us straight to the roastery, but it did.

Time was running, blogs were slowly becoming popular and our thoughts about the roastery were becoming more serious.

We showed the first coffee roasted for espresso 3 years ago.

Later we launched filter coffee and Nespresso capsules.

Can you recommend some places to see some amazing street art and drink good coffee?

The specialty coffee market in Poland grows rapidly and there are a lot of places to drink good coffee, but just good.

But there are some kinds of places from the category like “must have”.

First of all in Warsaw - Forum is a coffee spot from the European top.

Also in Warsaw Czytelnia and Coffeedesk are worth visiting.

There is also an amazing place with amazing people in Gdynia - Black and White Coffee.

Amazing cakes with great coffee.

And we also recommend Piece of Cake in Poznań - good coffee and the best croissants in the world :).

In the box, we have chosen a coffee from Ethiopia.

What can you tell us about this coffee?

Tabe Burka is an expression of what we are looking for in coffee.

Some may say that it is just washed coffee from the Guji region.

But actually, in that coffee of course you can find typical attributes for washed heirlooms from Ethiopia - like tea-like bodies or flowers in aroma.

But in Tabe Burka, you can also find sweet citruses like very ripe orange, honey and vanilla aftertaste.

Everything is very balanced and complex.

We love obvious coffees which are actually aren’t so obvious, like Tabe Burka.

What is the best way to brew your coffee in our box?

Can you share your recipe?

That coffee has two faces.

If you would like to get from it a little bit more citrus acidity and some more flowers, we recommend brewing Tabe Burka with a little bit lower extraction.

Try 92-93 Celsius degrees low mineralized water, 6,5/100 dose with typical for your method grinding.

You can also squeeze more sweetness, a higher and more rounded body, using 6/100 doses and 94-95 Celsius.

Then look for ripe orange, honey, and more vanilla.

And actually, in our opinion the best way to brew Tabe Burka is V60.

“Stop drinking bad coffee!

And we are COFFEE PLANT :-).“

Ostrava - Czech Republic


Last November, we had the pleasure of having Doubleshot from the Czech Republic in our coffee box.

This month we have another Czech roastery.

Father's coffee roastery is based in faraway Ostrava.

This place is booming with creative talents.

There are murals, galleries, and art everywhere.

Sounds like a place for Jerry!

How did you get introduced to coffee?

I was always a big coffee drinker, only my focus was more on quantity than quality in my young days.

My wife on the other hand didn’t like coffee.

When we met, we combined our passions, mine for coffee and hers for quality.

We didn’t really know anything about specialty coffee back then.

Then we came up with the idea to open our coffee shop.

We started with no experience by buying an espresso machine, grinder and equipment for brewing coffee, installing that in the tool shed and training by making all the mistakes you can possible do.

Three months later we opened our first coffee shop, it was outside the shopping mall on the bike and we were using Doubleshot coffee.

What does the future look like for you?

Where do you see your company in the future?

A lot has changed since we opened our first coffee shop.

The simplified timeline would look like this: Coffee on the bike – in-door espresso bar – selling the brand – moving to Berlin – working for Five Elephant. – Moving back to Ostrava – rejoining the brand we sold before– selling it again – starting Father’s – now.

We are now working hard on stabilizing the company.

Last year even though it was a hard and stressful time, we managed to grow as a company and get many more employees and customers around Europe.

Now I believe the time to come will be much harder than the whole “covid” year, due to many reasons.

Starting from the economic situation all the way to climate change.

The future of “Father’s” must be sustainable.

What is the very first cup of coffee you ever remember drinking?

That would be Kenyan Espresso from Doubleshot roastery made by Michal Stec (now the owner of Rebelbean roastery) in Mitte Coffee Brno around 2012.

Would you like to share a brewing recipe for your featured coffee with us?

My brewing recipe is this.

V60 15g of coffee – quiet cores grinding 250g of water divided into 5 pours of 50g every 30 seconds.

Total time should be around 2:45 – 3:00 Water temperature is 95°

But please do experiments and try new stuff!

Ostrava is bursting with murals and other art.

What can you recommend to see?

Ostrava is being looked at through the fingers, especially by the rest of the Czech Republic, but there is amazing potential.

I believe the highest value is the People!

That being said if you like crowded cities and want to see Ostrava when everyone is doing their best you need to come to the “Colors Of Ostrava” music festival.

If you are interested in Murals then I would recommend going to the City Folklore showroom and talking to Sasanca, she is the owner and one of the “legends” in the City.

In this showroom, we also opened our first in-door espresso bar around 8 years ago.

At the point in life where we are now, the biggest pleasure is the Beskydy mountains which are 30 minutes away from Ostrava.

I believe that is one of the biggest treasures of the City.

There are many more treasures in the city, music and musicians, art galleries, a coal mining museum, DOV – the industrial part of Ostrava of course the gastronomy, even though being super small in number of places still very good, and many many more.

“We are super thankful to be part of this subscription.

And we would like to encourage people to take care of their surroundings.

Be reasonable with the amount of plastic you are using.

Don’t fly if it is not necessary.

And don’t go to Supermarkets if it is anyhow manageable.

To keep the coffee good and well we need to change something. ”

we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!