Who was in the March 2021 box?

Greetings from Toronto (CA)!

Toronto - Canada


Toronto where there are spoken over 180 languages and dialects.

We fell in love with the coffee bags of Java Roasters.

Say hello to the designer, Kay!

Hello Kay,

How did you become a graphic designer?

Design has always been my passion.

From my early days, I was always involved in the creative process: art, photography, fashion.

Graphic design is my other form of transforming what is inspiring disturbing or funny.

It’s a bit of my comment on the world around me.

Where do you get your inspiration?

Form life.

Nothing is more inspirational than the time we are living in.

But if I should give you just one word then street art would be the most accurate.

What artists do you admire?

There are many but my favorites are: Jean-Michel Basquiat, Jeff Koons, KAWS, and Ben Johnston.

Are you originally from Canada?

I was born in Poland but Canada is my home.

Do you speak any other languages?

Yes, except for English, I speak Polish. Currently, I study French.

Is there a place where we can see your artwork and buy them?

Yes, on every packaging of JAVA ROASTERS coffee LOL.

But who knows… maybe I become a full-time artist one day.

I’m a big fan of printed art and street art, where can we see this in your neighborhood?

In Toronto you can visit Graffiti Alley (Fashion District, Downtown).

It’s a super-cool place full of amazing artworks.

Very inspirational.

Also TAGTO  (www.tagto.ca) is a must-visit.

Working in a coffee roastery and as a graphic designer how do you combine those two?

I am lucky enough that JAVA ROASTERS is not a coffee roastery only, from the very beginning we created here a coffee-lifestyle brand.

So in conclusion one is not far from another.

What is it with Canada and raccoons?

.Hahaha… not Canada, Toronto to be more specific.

We love them and we call them “trash pandas”.

Raccoons are everywhere and they are just like people: some are calm, some are curious and some are just vicious assholes.

(Pardon my French) But they are our people.

”It’s good to be great at something, but it’s far greater to play your part in something good”

Toronto - Canada

Propeller Coffee Co.

Adrian from The Scandinavian Alps Coffee recommended this roastery.

Located in the most multicultural city in the world.

We present you Propeller who roast with the end goal of unlocking all of each coffee's full potential.

Can you tell us the story of Propeller?

Propeller Coffee Co. was founded in 2013 with a vision of building one of North America’s leading and most sustainable specialty coffee roasters and a true partner to independent cafes, restaurants and others looking to serve great coffee.

Personally, I’d been a strategy consultant for 13 years – working in the UK, EU, US, and Canada, and had recently had kids and was looking for a more sustainable lifestyle and had always dreamed of starting my own business.

The initial days were tough – but we managed to establish ourselves as a quality sustainable roaster – winning Roast Magazine’s Micro Roaster of the Year in 2016 for both our coffee and our sustainability/community initiatives.

And in 2017 we became the first microroaster in Canada to become B-Corp certified.

The last year has been brutal – but our team has been awesome, stayed safe (gratefully), and truly rallied to make it through, and hopefully, we’re coming out of this period stronger, tighter, and more focused than ever before.

Is your team as multicultural as your city?

We are - our team members have family backgrounds ranging from England and Wales to the Netherlands, Sri Lanka, Russia, Taiwan, and Tibet.

Are you born in Toronto?

No – I was born in a Tibetan refugee camp in South India, and my family and I moved to Canada when I was 5.

Besides Toronto, what is the best city in the world for coffee?

This is a tough one.

There are definitely a few cities on my must-visit list that I haven’t managed to get to yet, but I hear have amazing coffee scenes.

Melbourne & Sydney, Australia come to mind.

Of the places I’ve been to though, Seattle has got to be up there.

Some people in the third-wave crowd look down on it as just the birthplace of Starbucks, but the coffee industry there has kept up with the times since then.

There are so many great cafes there, several of the better roasters in North America, and even a few of our favorite green coffee importers.

It’s also a regular host of the SCA expo and just seems to have this culture generally of respecting coffee as a specialty product and not just a commodity.

Can you share with us your secret to making a good filter coffee at home?

Just like at the cafe & roastery – the secret to good filter coffee at home is in the details – weighing, timing, measuring, and using filtered water and great equipment.

Consistency and precision are the keys - being mindful of what you’re doing.

The people I know who make the best coffee at home treat their morning brew as almost a ritual.

A sort of active meditation to start the day.

Personally, I brew each morning for my wife and me - using a Kalita 185, into a Hario thermal server, a Hario scale, a Monarch Methods pour-over kettle, and a Breville Smart Grind Pro.

What do we need to do in Toronto when we are here?

  • Catch a Leafs, Blue Jays, Raptors, or Toronto FC game
  • Go to the top of the CN Tower – stunning 360-degree views
  • Check out Toronto’s incredible restaurant & food & beverage scene – Toronto and Canada are truly one of the best and most diverse in the world. It’s been tremendously hurt by Covid but has also been incredibly resilient and courageous, and we pray & hope that many make it through.
  • Visit High Park – especially during the cherry blossom season!
  • Visit Niagara Falls and wine country to the west.
  • Visit Prince Edward County and its wine, beer, cider & food makers to the east.
  • Check out the wilderness around the city and to the north – we are a northern country and it doesn’t take long to get into some stunning Canadian lakes, forests and wilderness.
  • And of course – come visit us at the Roastery!

"Thank you for this opportunity to work with I Know Jerry.

Making friends around the world in our specialty coffee industry is the best part about being in the business!

Stay safe & we all look forward to meeting you in person someday soon."

Toronto - Canada


From one of the world’s most livable cities, they reached out to us.

Ethica Coffee Roasters, coffee is their life.

Their mission is to provide you with the best variety of coffee that the world has to offer and they definitely did!

This Coffee was one of the coffees we liked the most last year.

Hi Sasha,

Tell us how it all began for you guys.


Our doors were open at West End of Toronto in November 2019.

We have a small and strong international team.

Our name “Ethica” comes from the mid-century philosopher Baruch Spinoza and his masterpiece, Ethics.

Spinoza seeks to explain how a human can be free despite the external factors of the environment and psychology.

It talks a lot about happiness and how a human soul can find one.

Not to be absolutely satisfied with anything except with what is true.

Gregory Koifmann is our founder and head roaster, he was born in Moscow, Russia, and grew up in Israel. He worked in the food industry for a long period.

The idea of creating Ethica came to his mind in one of his visits to West Palm Beach, to the place called Subculture.

It is a simple space, nothing fancy.

Type of place that brings together the community, creativity, and craftsmanship of bustling cafes.

The perfect spot that will always bring the satisfaction of the visit, as well as make you come back.

He had an idea and inspiration for creating a space where people can experience the same.

What have been the most notable moments that have shaped your career?

Unfortunately, the first year of our operation was also the year when COVID-19 started.

This is something that no one could predict and we survived through a chain of Toronto lockdowns, and in the end, it even made us stronger.

How is it to live and work in one of the world’s most livable cities?

Toronto is wonderful.

Besides being a super vibrant city, the coffee community here is diverse and unique.

Torontonians have a strong connection to their neighborhoods and local communities.

This year we received amazing support from people who felt connected to our brand; without our customers, friends, and suppliers it would be very hard to continue doing what we love.

We also work a lot with the local Toronto art community on the collaborations that we showcase in our coffee shop/roastery.

What do you do when you are not working?

(Greg) When I don’t work, I spend time with my family.

What are some of the trends have you observed in coffee roasting over the years?

(Greg) Every year you can see minor trends, but right now there is a big tendency to roast new varieties and anaerobic processes.

Where do you like to drink your cup of coffee?

(Greg) A cup of coffee for me is a pause in my day, so I try to enjoy the most of it.

My favorite place to drink coffee is outside in the fresh air.

"Drink good coffee, and we wish you were hero ;)"

Toronto - Canada


The city of Toronto started off as York, the capital of Upper Canada in 1793.

York was incorporated and renamed Toronto in 1834.

Now they also call it The6, 6ix, Tdot

Here we find Java Roasters,

This Cool coffee roastery runs on grl power.

Hello Leah and Kay.

Can you tell us the beginning of your cool coffee roastery?

To make a long story short: the story started in 2018 when we moved to Toronto and found our dream place in Leslieville (East part of Toronto).

Of course, before there are plenty of years of experience, planning and administration.

BUT in 2018 Toronto has become our home and the cool coffee roastery run on girl power was born.

Is it just you two?

Or are there other girls in the roastery

Just two of us for now.

We’re fully in charge of production, administration, creation, branding, customer relations and a thousand more beautiful things.

Toronto has many names.

How do you prefer we call your city?

We call the city TO and the 6ix mostly.

Outside of work, how do you spend your time?

`during NBA season or after NBA season?


We both are big fans of basketball (and Toronto Raptors of course).

We both like to spend time very actively, cycling.

We have an interest in art so visit galleries, and look for inspiration.

We’re also currently working on launching our blog (www.handsomecreatures.com IG @handsomecreatures) Stay tuned!

What is your personal definition of good and bad coffee?


It’s a very good question.

In the Specialty Coffee world, there is not such a thing as bad coffee.

If they happen they are coffee with defects.

Favorite coffee region these days?

Kay: Colombia & Uganda, 

Leah: Burundi & Tanzania

You won some coffee competitions, tell us more.

Kay: I won the Polish Cup Tasters Championship in 2016 and the Canadian Cup Tasters Championship in 2020.

Besides Java where can we drink good coffee in Toronto?

Many concepts are serving great coffee like Fix Coffee + Bikes, The Library, and Ethica just to name a few.

“Always inspire and be inspired."

we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!