Who was in the May 2021 box?

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL BLOWING BUBBLES DAY!!Meet the Kolonel in Antwerp (BE), some complex coffee in Livorno (IT) and enjoying the good life in Helsinki (FI).

Toronto - Canada


”In a world where everyone is over exposed, the coolest thing you can do is maintain your mystery.”

Antwerp - Belgium

Kolonel coffee

I am always very interested in people's passions and how they started.

So can you tell me how yours started?

Like many, the passion started at home with a second-hand espresso machine from the flea market about 15 years ago.

You have not always had a roaster of your own.

Before you used to roast your coffee somewhere else.

No, from the beginning we had our roaster (Probat 5 kg)

In the meantime, we roast on a Diederich 12 kg but if we have large orders or annual closures, we sometimes roast larger batches at a roaster friend's shop.

When all this (I don't want to name it) is over what will you do?

Escape the city life for a while because I miss nature...

Do you remember your best cup of coffee?

No, because in 15 years I have had several very good cups of coffee.

What I do remember is the first time I smelt freshly ground coffee as a child, when my grandfather ground it freshly.

This memory and smell have always stayed with me.

We like street art, are thing places nearby Kolonel Coffee where we can find some?

Look no further ... on our facade of the bar and roastery is the Kolonel of Charlotte de Cock.

"Live in the present, not in the past, but don't forget where you come from!"

Livorno - Italy

Le Piantagioni Del Caffe

They are known for the best tomatoes, simple delicious pasta, dark roasted coffee, ...

But still, here in Italy, we occasionally find a coffee roaster who roasts light.

Here in Livorno Estel roasts coffee light just the way we like it.

I thought you were Italian.

But apparently, you’re from The Netherlands?

Why did you decide to move to Italy?

I moved to Italy after finishing high school as I felt I needed a life experience away from home.

Italy has taught me a lot in the meantime.

Besides shaping me into a strong and independent woman, Italy gave me an insight into the value of tradition and culture and showed me how to be successful without ever forgetting how to enjoy life.

No doubt I love this country as if it is my own.

Can you tell us something about your coffee adventure in Italy?

Indeed, the Italians are a few years behind many other European countries when it comes to coffee culture mainly due to the strong values of tradition.

But I can assure you that also here the specialty coffee mentality is slowly becoming more contagious.

I got acquainted with the specialty coffee world through le Piantagioni del Caffè.

I was already familiar with coffee, but by bringing me to the coffee farms in the countries of origin they allowed me to eat the cherry from the coffee plant and my enthusiasm for this wonderful and natural product simply exploded.

This exciting experience put all the values of a premium coffee world together, and it is my personal goal, and our company's aim, to make this amazing coffee culture more familiar in Italy and abroad.

The name Le Piantagioni del Caffè what does it mean?

Single Estate coffee is the exact translation of Le Piantagioni del Caffè, and this is exactly what we do.

We source our coffees directly at the farms in the countries of origin.

At Le Piantagioni del Caffè, we’ve been roasting single-estate coffee beans since 1994 and what makes us different as a coffee roaster is our direct relationship with the producers in the countries of origin: we travel there in person to get to know them and their coffee where it all begins, where the beans are grown.

We work with the farmers and exchange information to create products we know will give their very best in the cup, taking our coffee lovers on an imaginary voyage to the estate.

What do your Italian customers think of the light-roasted coffee?

As said here above, in the past years Italians have also been influenced by the Specialty coffee trend which is more and more appreciated.

As a premium coffee roastery, we must divulge the culture of coffee, to make it more comprehensible, direct, real, in other words, charmingly drinkable.

Premium espresso coffee is part of this, but also light-roasted coffee.

We want Specialty coffee to get out of the niche and involve an ever-wider panorama of potential enthusiasts.

We believe coffee should represent friendliness, joy, understandability, and drinkability.

Specialty coffee has to be cool, trendy, and pop.

With our coffees, we aim at involving not only the people who are already passionate about coffee, but also those consumers who are looking for something more, yet they just drink coffee as an energizing drink, because they have never been shown how much involving and intriguing the universe of coffee can be.

We want to involve all those who have always felt attracted to this world but remained far from it, on the side-lines, due to the arrogance and excessive technicalities that unfortunately often surround and accompany Specialty coffee.

We created our whole coffee concept for passionate people who look for more than mass products and value the quality and craftsmanship underlying any artisan creation.

The coffee is in a box with a pop-art illustration on it.

What is the link between coffee and (pop)art?

Our “Disruptive" coffee line is intended to break all the rules and to think outside the box.

With these coffees - real gems - the aim is to make "POP" the highest quality coffee.

This is achieved through the creation of a cool product that becomes a trendy product, a beautiful product to have and to give as a gift.

The design recalls and defines the purpose of this line: the highest quality coffee is not just a thing for NERDS or people obsessed with coffee, a kind of difficult product to approach.

It can be a fun product, exciting, trendy, and suitable for people who want to have fun and learn about the culture of coffee.

This is why the use of Pop Art: an immediate, striking feature that tells complex emotions with simplicity.

What advice can you give to people who want to make a better cup of coffee at home?

Give coffee a little more attention.

Everyone drinks coffee but few people know about it.

When opening a coffee bag, smell the beans, and look at the beans.

Read what is written on the bag and enjoy the special flavors and the uniqueness every coffee has to offer you.

Your roastery is located in Livorno, what is your city known for?

Our city used to be beautiful before World War 2.

Unfortunately, the majority of nice buildings were destroyed during the war but we still have something nice and this “something” is the sea.

We are lucky to have the Tyrrhenia Sea (which is part of the Mediterranean Sea) and a long, gorgeous, reddish-rocky coast.

In addition to this, we offer fantastic food which I invite you to come and enjoy.

Livorno is known for two very typical dishes: Cacciucco which is a fish soup made with poor fish, bread, red pepper, tomato, and mussels, and 5&5 which is another poor dish made of a sandwich containing chickpeas called “torta”.

"People seem to be brighter when they enjoy good coffee!"

Helsinki - Finland

Goodlife Coffee

Who would have guessed?

The Finns are among the biggest coffee drinkers in the world.

Top-notch education system, clean air, insane pure tap water, and of course saunas!

In Helsinki, we find Good Life Coffee, and they certainly didn't steal their name!

Tell us how this good (coffee) life started for you.

We started as a coffee bar in 2012 and after a few years, we decided that Finland needs a proper roastery so we opened our roastery in 2014.

The coffee bar is closed these days.

Good Life Coffee's purpose is to bring good life to all the people along the coffee chain, and we want to do things with smiles on our faces and do what we love.

That is Good Life!

How do you enjoy your good life when not doing Goodlife?

Lauri, our founder is living his good life on the saddle of his bicycle, going around Helsinki to eat and drink.

He also plays in the local ice hockey beer league team as a defenseman.

Aleksi on the other hand packs his bags and goes fly-fishing in the Lapland or drives a go-kart.

We both have kids so they are of course big part of the good life and they bring good balance to the work side.

It seems that this year there are a lot of natural coffees.

Can you explain why everyone is doing natural now?

To be honest we didn’t plan it.

We bought coffees that we really enjoyed and at some point found out that almost all are natural or honey :D

And Covid19 has also had an impact on how much we can buy coffee so we haven’t had a chance to bring new coffee as much as we would have wanted.

The next 4 coffees that should come in a month or two are all washed!

Because we can not go all the time to coffee bars.

Do you have any advice for brewing a good coffee at home?


The advice is to brew it.

Use Google or YouTube and find some good advice.

If I’d need to give one advice it would be: ” Use a scale for measuring beans”.

“Thanks for ordering Good Life Coffee and greetings from Helsinki, Finland!

This Covid thing will be done soon, but stay safe until that.

And remember to Avoid Bad Life!"

we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!