Who was in the November 2020 box?


Antwerp - Belgium


Meet Els Baeten and Jasper van Grunsven, Screenprinting GraphicAddicts & TypeFanatics.

Short: PrintMakingMoneyGang

How did you guys meet? And how did you end up in the same gang?

We used to work in the same design agency.

What is it you love so much about screenprinting?

The great thing about screenprinting is being in control of the whole process from design to the finished product.
It's really awesome to be able to print your own design.

Besides that the colors are magnificent!

Is there a gallery or a place where we can see your work?

Unlimited shop in Brighton or you can visit our studio.

What is the most challenging part of the job?

Although we try, you can never reach true perfection when screenprinting, but we love the imperfections you get by printing manually.

And what inspires you to keep on making art?

You can never really tell where you’re going when you start something new but it’s very rewarding getting there and seeing the way people react to it.

Tell us something about your other project ‘Gezeever’.

We run an open-access screen printing studio in Antwerp called Gezeever.

It is the screen printing home base for a whole bunch of creatives.

We also provide workshops for people who are interested in screenprinting.

Besides the bright and contrasting colors, what does PrintMakingMoneyGang stand for?

Being on the gri(n)d.

"Zeef the planet!"

Antwerp - Belgium


New kid on the block.

Founders: Nanigui Patel and Simon Derutter both gathered their experience and decided to venture into a new challenge, opening their own business.

First the roastery, quickly followed up by a coffee shop.

Let's hear more of what they have to say.

How did it happen?

When Nanigui worked for Caffènation as a barista for 2,5 years and I worked for MOK as a roaster for 3,5 years, it began to itch to start something of our own.

Difference in running a shop and a roastery/both?

The social aspect is totally different.

At the roastery, you’re on your own, in the bar you talk to people all day. 

What are your tips for people just starting to drink coffee?

Let your coffee cool down enough so you can catch all the flavors and aromas.

Filter/espresso or milk?


How do you spend your leisure time?

We love to go out for dinner, so I would say in a restaurant 😀

Where can we find Rush Rush?

Currently in Leuven at Anna Specialty Bar and in Antwerp at Album, Bokertov, Kawa and at our own shop, Rush Rush Café ofcourse.

What is the best way to support you trough this difficult times?

Pass by our shop and grab a coffee and/or lunch on the go!

"Feel the rhythm, feel the rime its Rush Rush time! "

Bucharest - Romania


Starting a new month we would like to present to you: Sloane Coffee Roastery coming from Bucharest, Romania.

Teodora and her team run the place.

Now, Jerry is guessing:

The name Sloane does it come from Sir Hans Sloane, a friend of Sir Isaac Newton?

It comes from the research we did during our startup.

But yes, Sir Hans Sloane was Isaac’s best friend and a fellow coffee drinker.
It sounds good in different languages and doesn't have weird meanings.
In British slang, it means a stereotypical upper-middle or upper-class person in London.
In old Irish it means warrior.
For us, it means just quality!

How did you start with coffee?

I started 6 years ago in a pop-up shop, it was kind of the beginning of specialty coffee in Romania.

While traveling in London I noticed it's a really big community all over the world.

What is Romania's coffee scene like?

It grew super fast in the last few years and we’re proud that we can still contribute to Romania’s growing coffee scene.

What is your personal philosophy?

We really want to get and offer the best coffees we can find.

And those aren’t necessarily the most expensive ones.

The goal is that everybody drinks and enjoys specialty coffee and brings more attention to the farmers producing them.

Do you actually still brew coffee at home?

I practically live in the roastery

Everywhere I go I always have good coffee with me.

Honestly, favorite food in Bucharest?

In the last two years some restaurants do traditional Romanian dishes but are more refined.

Simple and tasty, even better with a glass of good wine.

What do we need to see in your city?

For us the coffee scene is the highlight of our city.

Next, to explore good coffee and meet up with the funny locals, we would recommend using Bucharest as a starting point to jump into the mountains, nature or seaside.

"Sloane’s message to all friends of Jerry:

Keep on drinking good coffee and share the passion"

Prague - Czech Republic



Who is Doubleshot?

Tell something about your team.

A coffee roastery, three coffee shops, a training center, a pastry shop but first and foremost, a team of people who love the world of specialty coffee.

We have been living coffee since 2009, selecting it from farmers around the world, roasting it at a location close to Prague and selling it to everyone who appreciates its freshness and flavor diversity.

How did you start with coffee?

Back in the days when specialty coffee was a largely unknown term in our country, half of the Doubleshot team decided to move to Panama and discover the other side of the coffee trade.

At the same time, the second half started working for a leading Canadian company of 49th Parallel Coffee Roasters.

After a full year of planning, meeting coffee farmers and learning from the best roasters, somewhere above the Atlantic Ocean, our company – Doubleshot - was born on the way home.

How is the Czech coffee scene like?

The coffee scene here is very wide and living.

People are very surprised when they come to Prague and find out that you can have specialty coffee in more than a hundred places around the town.

And it is still growing. Most of the coffee shops are small, local people or patrons oriented so if you come as a tourist to a café you can really feel the vibe of the area. 

The most beloved drink is cappuccino I guess but black/filtered coffee is still more and more popular.

What is your personal philosophy you run by?

You will find the Doubleshot logo only on coffees that we ourselves enjoy drinking.

When the new crops are finished growing, we travel to Central or South America and Africa to select coffees with unique and distinctive flavor profiles.

In the cup, we want to taste the terroir, variety, processing method and, above all, the philosophy of the producer.

We simply love drinking it!

My own:
I always underpromise but try to over-deliver in work.

And this works for me also in coffee. I never expect an exceptional cup of coffee, even from the most expensive brews or varieties.

And then I'm always only positively surprised and enjoy my cup of joy even more.

Do you actually still brew coffee at home?

On a daily basis.

I have to say that I used to drink a package of coffee in two, three days.

Now it takes me a week or ten days My “tempo” in coffee drinking at home is slower now but I still love to brew coffee in the morning.

Honestly, favorite food in Prague?

Honestly, there are tons of meals I would pick.

My advice is to go to a place called Havelská koruna and try anything there.

You will get a feeling of what traditional cuisine is here. Just a little heads up – it is meat and sauce and dumpling-oriented culture

What do we need to see in your town?

Well, there is of course the castle, Old Town square, Venceslav square, Lesser town and so on but for me it´s Prague about hanging out in parks with beer( in some town areas it is prohibited to drink in public places, be careful), roaming around non-touristy areas where you can still find good old pubs with cheap(really not good, but the vibe here…) beer, grabbing local delicacy called Hhlebíček for quick lunch.

There are so many things to do outside of most popular areas.

You will love this place.

“It is as good as Berlin or Amsterdam but three times cheaper, unfortunately…"

we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!