Who was in the November 2022 box?

Making your day better and juicer in Prague (CZ), one, two, three Marks in Barcelona (ES).

Further to a true city of contrasts Warsaw (PL).

But sorry no artist :-(.

Prague - Czech Republic


A rich history, remarkable architecture, a charming cobbled old town, a masterpiece of an astronomical clock, chic cafés, and vibrant bars help make Prague one of Europe's most fairytale capitals.

But legend has it that, upon completion, the maker of the clock, had his eyes burnt out by Prague city council so that he couldn’t create such an impressive clock for anyone else.

I hope they don't do the same to the makers of this delicious coffee,...

What sparked your interest in coffee roasting?

I have been interested in flavor profiles and cuppings since I worked with specialty coffee.

After working for a few years with coffee I started to focus on roastery where I worked on managing quality control and roasting samples.

My interest in knowing more led me to start my roastery where I could focus more on the connection between roasting and coffee flavors so I could learn about the potential of the coffee and bring to the customers a better experience and more smiles. :)

Can you tell us something about your team?

Since I started BeBerry only a year ago, I don’t have any employees yet.

I have huge support from my amazing girlfriend Karin - who is managing social media and marketing and she also cups the coffee with me (she used to be a sommelier in wine) and then our friend Zuzka who is a graphic designer.

The most important thing you’ve learned being a roaster?

It’s a lifelong journey.

First memory of coffee?

I don’t even want to go to that! :D

That was probably terrible coffee during my University studies haha

Do you have a favorite roaster in the industry right now, and why?

I wouldn’t say favorite roasters, there are so many good roasters out there...

There are several that inspire me: some in quality of roasting, others in design or customer service.

I wouldn’t like to name them, because I am sure I will forget about some and it wouldn’t be fair.

But in the long run, I always admired Matadors in specialty coffee such as Coffee Collective, The Barn, Koppi, and many more… 

What is your favorite brewing method?


When we’re in your town what do we need to do?

I am originally from Slovakia, but let’s consider “my town” Prague haha.

There are so many things that are beautiful and worth a visit.

The specialty coffee scene is on a very high level.

But the gastronomy is great as well and then again these beautiful streets and historical buildings!

Just ask me on Instagram and I will try to help.

When you're not roasting, what do you like to do then?

Packing, cleaning, preparing new things, innovating, and all other thousand things around running a roastery.

In my free time, if there is some: spend time with my girlfriend, family, and friends, try to do some sports, and travel.

"What is it all about?

Bringing you an amazing experience from tasting coffees from all over the world.

I find ourselves as a teller of the story that is behind every bean.

I hope we can present to you all the work that has been done by the farmers, and producers so you can enjoy clean and fruity coffees.

We are here to make your day better and juicer.


Barcelona - Spain

Three Marks

Barcelona is one of the best cities in the world - it is the city of famous artists like Picasso and Gaudí, the Silicon Valley of Europe, but it does not stop there.

There are secrets hidden under Barcelona's streets.

There are said to be abandoned metro stations deep underground that are said to be haunted ...

We need to explore this but not without coffee..

What was the beginning of your coffee project?

Three Marks Coffee was founded in 2018 by Marc Aguyé, Marco De Rebotti, and Marco Paccagnella.

The first two were originally Roaster and Barista at an important coffee shop, and Paccagnella was one of its regular customers.

Three Marks Coffee is the product of a chance encounter with three men with similar names, different talents, and different personalities but the same ambitions.

Tell us something about the people you work with.

We focus on a different personality.

We don’t ask about their coffee skills because they can acquire coffee-related knowledge and techniques after joining us.

We can teach people how to make coffee, but we can’t teach them how to be a nice person.

This is important because the good vibes of a place come from good people.

This philosophy behind Three Marks is reflected in its recruitment policy.

Other than roasting coffee, what are the other facets of coffee that interest you?

We are in love with arts, music, and design.

That’s the reason we are always looking for partnerships and collaboration in different fields.

One of the best results was our little Coffee Corner in Poble Nou, inside the studio of SixnFive

What is your secret to making the best coffee at home?

Good Water and care :)

"In the past, we all have played team sports like soccer and basketball.”

That’s maybe why we believe in the power of teamwork.

Together we get to see things from different perspectives and achieve a lot more than by ourselves."

Warsaw - Poland


Warsaw is truly a city of contrasts.

It has modern business districts, yet remains deeply traditional with its historical architecture and monuments.

It’s cosmopolitan, but also home to many charming cobbled streets that are perfect for exploring and people-watching.

It’s refreshing and green, but also full of energy with, well guess what... amazing coffee.  🙂

Let’s start with an easy one first.

Where are you guys from and what brought you to roasting coffee?

Warsaw, Poland.

we need to have transparency.

We felt that roasting our coffee was a key factor in knowing what we are offering and having it represent who we are, and the coffee profiles we like.

Does your name mean something?

if you look closely, the Greek letter Phi looks like a coffee bean, and also the tail on the bottom looks like the steam coming out from a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

Also if you look - it looks like a combination of the letters “C” and “P”.

So the name is company “phi”, but in short - Cophi.

What is a regular day for you?

We have a few cafes, so logistics is a big-time consumer during the day.

Putting this aside, working on the different profiles, cuppings, training, looking for beans for the next season, talking to guests, and so on and so on.

Tell us something we need to do or see in your city

Warsaw in on the one hand huge, but at the same time small enough to walk around, get lost, and find yourself within it.

This city is built on mountains of memories, good and bad, but what is most beautiful - is the drive of this city to move forward, grow, and rise. we feel you can see it in everything, from parks, bars, museums, and the people themselves.

You have a nice city with many forests.

Where do you most enjoy drinking your coffee?

In our cafes, or walking around the streets of Warsaw.

Where else than Cophi we should go to?

The National Museum of Warsaw has insane art.

The parks are filled with squirrels that will eat from your hands.

The old town is a classic.

The bars and clubs, restaurants for every type of cuisine lover are top-notch.

But in general - just walk around.

For sure you will find cool things.

"This is the first time our singles are picked outside of Poland.

For us - this is a huge opportunity. opportunity for feedback.

It's a great feeling to know that somewhere, right now, someone is sitting down in their office, or home, brewing coffee we made.

A tremendous amount of “homework” goes into choosing green beans.

Then profiling it, choosing the right profile, and descriptors, and finally - feeling confident enough to say - it's ready for the world,

Let go!

So it's a great pleasure to have the opportunity to share our coffees with anyone and everyone out there.

Even if we personally never meet - it still feels like we are sitting there, together, drinking that cup of coffee.

Thank you very much."

we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!