Who was in the October 2023 box?

Winning in Antwerp (BE), coffee half French and half Belgian in Antwerp (BE). A conspiracy of flavor in Bratislava (SK), and turning our ordinary mornings into extraordinary adventures in Budapest (HU).

Antwerp - Belgium


In this month's coffee box, Jona June's masterpiece will be your visual companion,

an artistic echo of the delightful flavors within. 

As you savor your cup of coffee, take a moment to immerse yourself in the world of this talented creator,

where every line tells a story,

and every color evokes an emotion.

Hi Jona,

Congratulations on your well-deserved victory. 

Could you make a brief introduction about yourself?

Thank you so much!


I live in the center of Antwerp and despite not working as a full-time barista anymore,  my love for coffee is still very present,  even at work I installed my very own little setup.

My colleagues find that very funny.

I create some visual art and music in my spare time too.

It’s just a thing I do for fun but we’ll see where it gets me, if anywhere, haha…

How did you find out about the Artisan Boost competition?

A friend of mine showcased her work in one of your boxes, and another friend told me I should submit an artwork.

This got me curious so I looked up your website and Instagram, and that’s where I found out about the competition.

I decided to digitalise one of my drawings and put it online that same day.

Your work was showcased in some coffee bars during Antwerp Coffee Week.

Do you sometimes go to coffee bars?

If yes, in which ones can we find you?

Of course!

Normo would be my favorite bar.

It’s the one I discovered first some 9 years ago when studying at the University.

Every time I go there it feels a bit like coming home.

There’s always a familiar face and the coffee is amongst the best in Antwerp.

You’ll find me at Caffènation too and Viggo’s is behind my corner,

so if I don’t want to make my own coffee I’ll go and grab one there.

My work was up there too, which was really nice.

Coffee and art, we think it’s the perfect combination.

What do you think?

Since coffee boosts my senses I believe it’s the perfect companion for being immersed in beautiful art.

So yes,

I do agree with that.

Besides making art, what do you do?

I work as a coach for volunteers and I make my own music.

You’ll also find me running, skating, swimming, reading, or hanging out with my cats.

Some say I cook well, too.

I just love doing it, especially making fresh pizzas or desserts.

"Enjoy your cup of coffee and think about all the people it took to get it in your cup.

It always makes me feel humble and grateful.

Who knows what it does for you?

Anyways, hope you have a great cup of coffee and a great day!"

Antwerp - Belgium

Dok 36

In the bustling port city of Antwerp,

where the echoes of centuries-old trade routes still linger,

Dok36 Coffee Roastery resides as a testament to the city's rich history.

Its origins, half French and half Belgian, echo the diverse and vibrant spirit of the locale.

It’s as if the very essence of Antwerp is infused into every carefully roasted coffee bean.

You’re a new roaster in Antwerp but you’re not new to roasting..

I'd love to hear about how your journey in the world of coffee began.

My journey in the world of coffee began in Lyon,

where I acquired the foundational skills of being a barista.

Afterward, I returned to my home in the South of France to establish my own coffee brand.

Having taught myself the art of roasting, I opened my own roastery with two outlets in 2019.

Seeking to further refine my skills, I ventured to Belgium, particularly Antwerp,

a country renowned for its advanced coffee culture and numerous skilled roasters.

Are you currently continuing your work in the South of France?

What is the coffee scene like there?


I continue my work with my roastery in France.

The demand for specialty coffee is steadily increasing,

and despite some initial lag, people are showing more interest.

There's a significant demand with limited supply at the moment.

How do you like to spend your time outside of coffee?

Outside of coffee,

I'm an avid sports enthusiast, spending my time cycling, running, swimming, and, of course,

continually learning about coffee tasting,

which is my true passion.

Dok 36 has recently moved to Zwendel in Borgerhout. 

Can you tell a bit more about this new location?

As for Dok 36, we've recently relocated to Zwendel in Borgerhout.

Zwendel is a collaborative space where we share facilities with various other artists.

It's a tightly-knit community, and our integration has been seamless,

benefiting from a rich environment of shared resources and creativity.

Where do you want to be with Dok 36 in five years' time?

In five years, I aim to keep growing the Dok brand.


I want to deepen my coffee-tasting skills and participate in competitions to promote Dok and expand its presence in Antwerp and Belgium.

Bratislava - Slovakia


In the heart of Slovakia, where coffee beans have a knack for mischief and baristas brew with a wink, there's a java joint like no other – Black Coffee. 

It's not just a brew; it's a conspiracy of flavor, a covert operation in every cup.

So, grab your mug and prepare for a sip that's more mysterious than finding your missing sock in the laundry. 

Black Coffee from Slovakia: where every cuppa comes with a side of giggles and a sprinkle of secrets. 

After all, who said coffee can't be your partner-in-crime in the grand mystery of life? ☕🕵️‍♂️😄

Can you tell us about the origin story of Black?

How did the idea for a coffee roastery come about?

We were young and eager, with specialty coffee at its beginnings in our country.

We wanted to make a different coffee experience for Bratislava and its customers.

And I think we have done a somehow okay job. 🙂

A year after opening the coffee shop a guy came in.

Very interested in our approach and young energy.

He became our partner and since then the business started to bloom with new ideas - such as roasting our own coffee to be able to control more variables in the final experience.

Specialty coffee often involves a close relationship with coffee producers.

Can you tell us about any direct relationships you have with coffee farmers and the impact it has on the quality of your coffee?

Our roastery is really still in its diapers - and as we like to say - any direct trade at this point would make close to zero chance.

That is why we work closely with 2-3 coffee importers that share the same values and quality we are looking for in building a business.

Coffee brewing methods have evolved significantly.

Are there any specific brewing techniques you recommend for enjoying Black at its best?

We like to approach our roasts in a way for a customer to be able to enjoy the whole spectrum of flavors that the beans bring.

We are huge fans of batch brewing, but in the last couple of months, we’ve been really enjoying the Origami brewer and the new, trendy no-bypass brewers.

Black Coffee seems to have a playful and mysterious vibe.

How do you incorporate this into your branding and customer experience?

We like to be playful and make fun of everyday stereotypes.

Coffee is a beautiful product, but not everyone is as obsessed with it as us.

And that’s something we like to build our marketing around.

A day-to-day human struggles 😀

There's a statue of Napoleon's soldier casually leaning on a bench in the city center.

It's like he's waiting for his caffeine shot at a coffee shop!

With such amusing sculptures around, what's the most hilarious or unexpected encounter one of your customers has had while sipping Black Coffee?

Hard to say.

But there once has been a gas pipeline explosion on our street, does that count? 😀

"Thank you for getting to know us a bit and we really wish you a great taste experience with our natural Izuba beans sourced at the origin by our good friends from Raw Material Coffee.


Budapest - Hungary


Their coffee beans don’t just come in ordinary bags;

Each bag is like a canvas, telling a story of its own, bursting with hues that mirror the lively spirit of Hungary.

It's like receiving a surprise gift from a Hungarian carnival and opening it is akin to unwrapping a treasure trove of flavors and joy. 

So, not only does KTRL fill your cup with laughter, but they also ensure that every bag is a visual treat, a burst of color in your coffee corner! 

Did you know that Hungary is home to the world’s first official wine region?

It's like they knew that the best things in life should be sipped slowly, whether it’s a glass of fine wine or a cup of KTRL’s colorful-infused coffee!

Let’s turn your ordinary mornings into extraordinary adventures!

Can you share the inspiring story of how KTRL Coffee Roastery came into being?

What motivated you to start this vibrant coffee venture?

Me and my Wife started a coffee shop 10 years ago, called Kontakt.

It was a totally new thing to us, we just fell in love with hospitality and the way you can build community around coffee.

So we put all our money and time into opening it.

It did succeed, we grew also as a business and learned a lot, made lots of friends along the way.

When we started recruiting baristas, we met Roland, who became a part-time barista, then a full-time barista, and a shop manager.

When Roland joined us we talked about roasting and after a few years I told him we should rent some roasting time and try roasting, as he did have experience with it from his previous workplace.

He liked the idea, and we kept on going, just roasted for Kontakt for about a year, until we were totally satisfied with our consistency.

During Covid, we had time to further develop the idea separated the roastery from Kontakt, and created KTRL ( KONTakt+ROLand) as a separate business to share our coffee with others.

We loved your coffee,

what’s the best method to brew KTRL’s featured coffee?

We don’t like to predetermine the brew method for a coffee, as there are so many, and there is no right or wrong, as long as we consider each method’s pros and cons.

This is why we do omni roast. 

If you brew it as a filter, we would say V60, but feel free to experiment with espresso shots, especially longer ones.

Beyond the world of coffee, what are your favorite activities in your town?

When our first son was born we moved out of the city to a neighboring town, so we had the chance to enjoy the best of both worlds.

The city is mostly related to hospitality for us, we either visit our own cafes and spend time there as guests, or we try to explore the city as a tourist when it is not busy, showing our kids how beautiful it is.

When we are home, we just spend lots of time outside, walk everywhere in town, bump into friends, and go biking in the woods.

Do you have any hidden gems or favorite spots that you like to explore during your downtime?

We regularly visit Freyja which is a great croissant place, and have a location outside of downtown next to the forest.

Every few months, we go have breakfast there and then take a big walk in the forest.

KTRL's packaging is as colorful as a Hungarian festival. 

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your vibrant coffee bags? 

This whole 80’s VHS style was coming from Roland if I remember right.

We grew up seeing this as kids on the tapes.

At first, when we only roasted for Kontakt, we didn’t even have any design, just a drawing of Roland on a big sticker on the bags.

When we decided to grow beyond the coffee shop some of his graphic designer friends made the first designs with this style, and when we wanted a full print on the bags, me and my wife made these graphics based on those.

We also noticed a print of each bag.

Who designed and printed these?

We have four styles, and we try to always have 4 different aspects showcased.

One easy to brew and understand, one that is a funky fruity coffee, one with a unique process or varietal, and one that is a fancy and rather expensive coffee.

"KTRL is born from lots of trial and error, lots of overcomplicating and then realizing that things can be simple.

This is what we stand for in coffee.

We believe that you don't need to be a scientist to brew good coffee, we try to control the variables so that you don't have to. "

we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!     we're the artists!